Ordina la tua JR Pass
  • Hokuriku Arch Passmariaronnaluna

    Hi there! Can you please confirm if the shinkansen from Tokyo to Gala Yuzawa is included in the H...
    14 giorni fa
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    4 giorni
  • Tokyo to Kyoto with day trips to Nara/Uji, Hiroshima/Miyajima, an...db

    Hello, Planning a trip between end of March and beginning of April. Will be starting in Tokyo, s...
    15 giorni fa
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    7 giorni
  • 10 days itineraryshreyshetty

    Hello, we are a couple. Both Adults have the itinerary below, I wanted to check if we should pur...
    15 giorni fa
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    4 giorni
  • J R Pass versus Individual Ticketsdipo28

    Hello Please help with the itinerary and if i should buy individual tickets or JR Pass 15 night...
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    6 giorni
  • Want to the bullet train to Osaka from Tokyo the same day I arrivekhanhvo

    HI, Can I reserve tickets online for a party of 7 from Tokyo to Osaka ahead of time? I am arriv...
    15 giorni fa
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    7 giorni
  • Can I get a pass that is longer than 21 days?Jeff22

    We are visiting from May7 to May 29 and are wondering whether we can get a JR pass for a little b...
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    9 giorni
  • Tokyo/Hakone/Nozawa/Kyoto/Haneda Airportsullivanjapan808

    Aloha, We are a group of 10 coming from Hawaii and are very excited to explore Japan. Our itiner...
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  • JR Pass worth it?Snospire

    Hi, I’m travelling to Japan in mid April to mid May and want to know if the JR Pass would be wor...
    17 giorni fa
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  • Best pass for my itinerary Simona74

    Hi, We’ll be in Japan from 08 August to 26 August. This is my itinerary: 08-09-10 August: Osaka ...
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  • Osaka to Fukuoka to Kunisaki to OsakaPETERCOXY

    What are my best rail tickets to but for this trip? 7 March 2025 Osaka to Fukuoka 14th march 202...
    17 giorni fa
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  • Is a JR pass or individual tickets better for our itinerary?Liekevh

    Good afternoon, We are traveling with a family (2 children aged 7 and 10) to Japan. We are trave...
    18 giorni fa
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  • Buying JR Pass RachelMellings

    Can you buy the JR Pass at a station in Japan or do you have to order online? I am in Japan now ...
    18 giorni fa
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    12 giorni
  • Which pass do I need (newbies!)conductor

    Hello and good day, Which pass, if any should we get? Here are our details: a) 2 adults b) Day...
    18 giorni fa
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  • Child’s PassMikeandwinsome

    My child is 11 years old now but will be 12 years old when we start traveling. Can I still buy t...
    18 giorni fa
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  • Kansai Hiroshima regional pass[email protected]

    Can I use this pass to travel on a direct train from Kyoto to Hiroshima For example the 07:41 To...
    20 giorni fa
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    12 giorni
  • Itinerário Toro

    Bom dia, Gostaria de saber se o JR Pass cobre o itinerário de Tokushima a Osaka. Obrigada Anna
    21 giorni fa
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  • JR pass correct option glorilopez

    Hello I need help figuring out which pass to buy. I will be traveling for 15 days arriving on Apr...
    21 giorni fa
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  • TimetablesIsa

    I still do not have the pass, could I have access now to the real timetable of the system, and i...
    21 giorni fa
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    12 giorni
  • Fukuoka to TokyoMCBARTON

    Hello! Is there a JR PASS from Fukuoka to Tokyo and return? Or is it cheaper to buy round trip ti...
    22 giorni fa
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    14 giorni
  • Is a two-week JR Pass worth it for my trip?mlazyan

    Hi -- I'm hoping for some guidance about whether a two-week JR Pass is likely to be worth it for ...
    24 giorni fa
    1 risposta
    572 visualizzazioni
    14 giorni

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