• Change the use duration of my JRPassRick Rains

    I recently purchased a 21 day JRPass for and would like to change that to a 14 day pass and also ...
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    2 dias
  • Buying onlineBernard

    I will travel this coming Monday, no time to get my railpass(es) on time . Can I get it online?
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  • Shimoyoshida to Osakanatali_pa

    Hello! I would be glad to get any information about this route. We're staying in Shimoyoshida, I ...
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    2 dias
  • Question about the 7 day Rail pass Mailena

    Hello from New Zealand. We are considering purchasing a Rail pass for 7 days. We would activate...
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  • reserve shinkansenrstegen

    Can I reserve shinkansen seats online
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  • Trasa z Tokio do Hiroshimy.m.klajnert

    Hello. I'm flying to Japan soon. We want to buy JRPASS for 14 days. We want to go from Tokyo to H...
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    2 dias
  • Online seat reservationscoleen

    Can I reserve shinkansen seats online rather than using a ticket machine at the station? If so, h...
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    aproximadamente 23 horas
  • Left it too lateCam11

    Hi - We (family of 4) leave for Japan from Canada in 2 days. I was in charge of purchasing the J...
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    2 dias
  • Do I need a JR pass?AlexGendron

    I wonder if I should buy a JR pass and if so, for what period of time? My wife and I are going to...
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  • JR PASSES WORTH IT?ginalee623

    Hello, I'm traveling as a family of 4 (2 adults & 2 children - ages 2 and 5). I am trying to ...
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  • Nagano region veronica ikeda

    I want to know what is the best JR pass for the following itinerary. 4 apr - Narita - Nagano 6 ap...
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    2 dias
  • Pass deliveryzeliha

    Hello, Is it possible to buy a jr pass and address a hotel in Japan to be delivered? How many day...
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  • Jr PassEloisa Barriocanal

    Hello! I’m from Paraguay, South America. I’m wondering if there any chance I can get my Jr pass t...
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    3 dias
  • Best time to buy JR Pass?Pond93

    Hello, I am traveling in Japan during late November into early December. It is currently March. W...
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    aproximadamente 1 hora
  • Question about get my JR PASS in different citywushuang

    Hi, I want to buy JR PASS Hokkaido, but I will arrive New Chitose airport after 7 p.m. which the ...
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  • Haneda airport to kyotolfrechel

    How can I take a JR train from Haneda Airport to Kyoto?
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  • What type of pass do I need?Haanfamily

    We will be traveling from: Iwakuni to Hiroshima Hiroshima to Nagoya Nagoya to Hiroshima Hiroshi...
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    5 dias
  • Train Transfer TimesEA

    Hi there, I'll be travelling from Kyoto to Haneda Airport, which involves taking a bullet train ...
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    8 dias
  • i bought this pass in china but my adresse is paris , i 'll never...hanxue

    order number is: #2646551 I need to cancel and get a refund of the JR pass order order #2646551...
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    8 dias
  • DeliveryAfisch530

    I just purchased the JR pass but I did not see any details about delivery options and when I paid...
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    8 dias

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