I'm in Japan for 30 days. If I buy a railpass that is valid for seven days, does that mean that I can travel for a total of 7 days within the 30 days or that the entire pass is valid for 7 days from the redemption date?
Thank you!
I'm in Japan for 30 days. If I buy a railpass that is valid for seven days, does that mean that I can travel for a total of 7 days within the 30 days or that the entire pass is valid for 7 days from the redemption date?
Thank you!
Hi there,
The JR Pass is valid for 7/14/21 consecutive days. E.g. if you were to activate a 7-day pass on a Sunday it would expire at midnight of the next Saturday.
Hope this helps!
Is the seishun 18 Pass still available?
Hi there,
You can purchase one on the dedicated JR East site but only for certain times during the year - you can refer to our [blog post] on the Seishun Pass for more info on this.
Hope this helps!
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