Ordina la tua JR Pass
circa un anno fa
2 risposte

We're going to Japan in July for just over 2 weeks and have the following itinerary in mind:

Haneda to Osaka
Osaka to Hiroshima/Miyajima
Hiroshima to Kyoto
Kyoto to Takayama
Takayama to Yamanouchi
Yamanouchi to Haneda

Will it be more cost effective to get the JR Pass... will it cover all legs of the journey?

Thank you!!

1222 Pubblica
12 mesi fa

Hi there,

I would suggest purchasing a JR Pass for your itinerary, all of your itinerary is covered and since your train journeys are majority Shinkansen it’s likely to save you money.

Please note that from Nagano Station the easiest way to get to Yamanouchi is by bus - the ticket is very inexpensive so this isn’t something to be concerned about price-wise, just and FYI.

Kind regards,


2 Pubblica
12 mesi fa

Hi Alexis - thank you very much for your reply and also the tip about getting to Yamanouchi... good to know!!!

Thanks again!

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