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9 days in Tokyo & Kyoto

circa 13 anni fa
1 risposta

Hi there,

I am only in Japan for 9 days travelling between Tokyo and Kyoto only. Is it worthwhile buying a 7 day pass and then simply one-way passes on the remaining two days, or should I proceed with a 14 day pass?

I am looking at spending only 2 days at most in Kyoto, and the rest (7 days) in Tokyo only.

Thank you,

1950 Pubblica
circa 13 anni fa

Hi Dana,

For a trip like that I recommend purchasing a 7 day rail pass and then look into the various Metro Pass + train to the airport deals that are available to foreign tourists.

Note that a 7 day rail pass costs about the same as a return ticket from Tokyo > Kyoto, so you'll want to do a bit more travel on JR to really get your money's worth. Here's map of JR lines in Tokyo for reference, and you can use the JR Pass for day trips out of Kyoto or Tokyo using JR lines - Nikko (from Tokyo), Osaka, Nara, Himeji and Hiroshima (From Kyoto) are all within day trip territory with a Rail Pass.

Hope this helps!

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