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Can I buy the JR Pass 'over the counter' in Japan (in 2024)? Please confirm and help!

circa un anno fa
1 risposta


I've just received words from my work-mates in Australia that tourists can no longer walk into an office in Japan,
to make the decision (while still inside the office).. whether or not.. to buy the JR PASS (or others) on the spot!

I hope this is NOT true because I am arriving in Tokyo (Haneda Airport) in about 7-days time,
and I am thinking of visiting multiple cities within Japan by trains.

If I (tourist) am allowed to buy the JR PASS from an office in Japan (not via 'online'), let me know these locations
where I can just walk in, make a decision (which JR PASS), and then buy it/them on the spot.

Many many thanks in advance

1222 Pubblica
circa un anno fa

Hi there,

The JR Pass cannot be bought in Japan. If you order it from our site, you can contact support@jrpass.com for more info on how to have the exchange order shipped to your accommodation in Japan.

Kind regards,


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