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5 days trip to Akita

oltre 13 anni fa
1 risposta


My hubby is going for training at Akita on 25th to 30th. He's asking me if I wanna follow him there to travel around the place. I would like to know if it's a suitable to go Akita or places nearby during this Winter time? Everything is just last minutes, so I want to know if this trip is worth-going. If yes, please suggest me some places to visit.

Thank you.

1950 Pubblica
circa 13 anni fa

Hi there!

Hmm... I have to admit, I have never been to Akita, so I can't give any personal recommendations here - what kinda thing are you interested in? It's starting to snow in Akita at this time of year, so if you like winter sports, it may be worth taking a look at snow japan - akita for up to the minute snow and resort reports, especially Tazawako. Akita also has great Onsen (hot spring) resorts such as Nyuto Onsen which may also be worth a look for a real Japanese hot spring bath experience.

If you fancy seeing the big city, Tokyo is about 4 hours away by bullet train and at ¥16,000 one way it will make sense to buy a 7 day rail pass for the journey even if that's the only trip you do.

Hope this helps!

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