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Should I purchase a JR Pass?

há mais de 11 anos
1 resposta

Hi there, just wondering whether it would be worth purchasing a JR pass for the travel I am planning 25 July - 4 August.

I arrive at Narita on 25 July, and plan to spend around 3/4 days in Tokyo.
I'll then travel to Mt. Fuji to climb the summit.
Next I'll travel to Kyoto for 3/4 days, then back to Tokyo/Narita to depart.

Would you advise a JR pass for this travel?

Thanks for your help.

18924 publicar
há mais de 11 anos

Hi there,

I think a 7-day JRPass could be beneficial for your journey but it may need a little planning.
Basically the 7-day JR Pass is roughly the same price as a return Tokyo - Kyoto, so any additional travel is what you save. What what would advise is to make use of the JR Pass the last 7 days of your trip, this way you have your return to Kyoto and way back to the Airport covered.

I hope this helps,

4 publicar
há mais de 11 anos


If we can include Osaka, Tokyo and Hakone in my travel within 7 days, does that mean that the 7-day JR Pass cover our train rides to and from? even bullet trains?

We arrive Osaka on Oct1 then go toTokyo then to Hakone (daytrip) then back to Tokyo. We leave Tokyo Oct 8.



18924 publicar
há mais de 11 anos

Hi Abby,

Yes the JR Pass covers all your travel on the Shinkansen (bullet trains) between Osaka/Kyoto Tokyo. You can than use the JR Pass to travel by bullet train from Tokyo to Hakone. In Hakone however you may have to use some of the local transport companies, that don't accept the JR Pass.

Have a good time in Japan!

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