Descontos em hotéis com o Japan Rail Pass
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Descontos em hotéis com o Japan Rail Pass

Japan Railways Hotel Group (JR Hotel Group) offers a discount for JRPASS holders.
JRHotel Group have 64 hotels in all over Japan. Most of the hotels are located near Japan Railway (JR) stations and will be convenient for all Japan Rail Pass users.

Once you decide your itinerary, we highly recommend that you check for any convenient JR hotels near your destination. Please contact the hotel directly to find out their discounted rates and and book your hotel!

Please do not forget to inform your hotel that you have a JRPASS when you make a reservation.

For more details, please visit the JR Hotel Group official page for JR pass holders here!

Descubra onde comprar o Japan rail pass online.

Encomende agora o seu JR Pass!

7 Dias
2 tickets

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