Booking a Nozomi train ticket with your Japan Rail Pass
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Booking a Nozomi train ticket with your Japan Rail Pass

Recently, it has become possible to use the Nozomi train with the JR Pass, it does require a special Nozomi ticket. Here’s how it works.

Table of Contents:

Introduction to the Nozomi Ticket
How to book a Nozomi ticket
How much extra does a Nozomi ticket cost with the Japan Rail Pass?
What are the advantages of using the Nozomi train?
FAQ about the Nozomi Ticket

Introduction to the Nozomi Ticket

The Japan Rail Pass has been around for over 30 years now, and the number one request on how to improve it was to include the Nozomi trains. The good news is that this has now become possible, but does require the purchase of an extra Nozomi ticket, to use together with the JR Pass. The main advantage of using the Nozomi, over other services like the Hikari, are faster travel times and fewer transfers.

We’ve covered the Nozomi Train before, in short it is the fastest train service between Tokyo ↔ Hakata, important stops along the way are Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima. To ride the Nozomi train using your JR Pass, you’ll need to purchase an additional Nozomi ticket. This can be done at Shinkansen ticket machines, and at manned ticket counters. Below we explain how to purchase a Nozomi ticket and how much the fare is for popular routes.

How to book a Nozomi ticket

The best place to book a Nozomi ticket is at a JR Shinkansen ticket machine, these are any machine where Shinkansen tickets are sold (as in, not just local train tickets). We recommend these, as the wait times are generally lower, you can select your own seat and payment is possible with both cash and any common credit card.

Alternatively, tickets can be purchased at any manned ticket office.

How much extra does a Nozomi ticket cost with the Japan Rail Pass?

The fare depends on the travel distance, here are the most common routes. Fares are fixed and valid for one way travel, in each direction.

Tokyo - Nagoya 4,180 yen
Tokyo - Kyoto 4,960 yen
Tokyo - Shin-Osaka 4,960 yen
Tokyo - Hiroshima 6,500 yen
Tokyo - Hakata 8,140 yen

Kyoto - Hiroshima 4,170
Kyoto - Hakata 5,390

Shin-Osaka - Hiroshima 4,170
Shin-Osaka - Hakata 4,960
Shin-Osaka - Kagoshima-Chuo 9,460 yen 

For a full fare overview, see our Changes to the JR Pass page.

What are the advantages of using the Nozomi train?

The main advantage is time savings, as the Nozomi train makes the least stops along the route and is given priority over other trains, this means you get to your destination without delay. Nozomi services are also very frequent, with departures as often as every 10 minutes, in other words, you’ll never wait long. Lastly, often the first and last train of the day is a Nozomi service, meaning you can maximise your time exploring Japan. We recommend this especially when time is more of a concern other than budget.

FAQ about the Nozomi Ticket

Do I need to use the Nozomi?
No, the option to use the Nozomi has become an additional feature of the Japan Rail Pass, all other trains like the Hikari, Sakura and Kodama remain free and available using the pass.

What is the sales period?
Tickets go on sale 1 month ahead of travel, and can be purchased up to the departure time of any train.

Is the Nozomi ticket price the same for Ordinary (2nd) Class and Green (1st Class)?
Yes, the ticket is a supplement to your Japan Rail Pass and is the same, no matter what class of travel you are in.

Can the Nozomi ticket be refunded?

Yes, but conditions apply. These are: refunds can only be processed at the original place (station) of purchase. The handling fee for tickets for Green cars and standard car reserved seats is 340 yen, while the fee for standard car non-reserved seats is 220 yen.

Can I use this ticket on the Mizuho train?
Yes, similar tickets are available for the Mizuho train.

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