I'm planning to travel to Japan at the end of October and it's my first time to Japan.
How long does it take to drive from Matsumoto to Takayama and Takayama to Nakatsugawa?
What is the road conditions and the speed limit?
What is the fastest train to catch from Nakatsugawa to Kii Katsuura?
What is the best way (bus or train) to go to Koyasan from Kii Katsuura?
How do I go to Nara from Koyasan?
By the way I will be using JR pass.
Do I need to make a seat reservation in order to get a seat?
How to make a seat reservation?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Seat Reservation
Hi there!
I can tell you a lot about train travel in Japan but am not familiar with road travel in that part of Japan and am afraid that I can't be of much help there.
Going to trains:
What is the fastest train to catch from Nakatsugawa to Kii Katsuura?
First take a train to Nagoya station, from there you can take a direct express train to Kii Katsuura. Here's the route in Hyperdia.
The train stop voor Koya-san is Gokurabashi, I've looked up the route for you here.
How do I go to Nara from Koyasan? From Gokurabashi take the train to Shinimamiya there you can transfer to the JR Yamatoji line bound for Nara. Here's the route in Hyperdia..
Do I need to make a seat reservation in order to get a seat? You can make seat reservations with the JR Pass free of charge, however seat reservations are not required because most trains come with reserved and non reserved seats. Please read our blog post on how to make seat reservations for more information.
I hope this helps!
Thanks for your great help Daniel San.