Shimoyoshida to Osaka
Hello! I would be glad to get any information about this route. We're staying in Shimoyoshida, I ...5 days 전1 답변273 보기3 daysJR PASSES WORTH IT?
Hello, I'm traveling as a family of 4 (2 adults & 2 children - ages 2 and 5). I am trying to ...7 days 전1 답변237 보기4 daysTrain Transfer Times
Hi there, I'll be travelling from Kyoto to Haneda Airport, which involves taking a bullet train ...10 days 전1 답변490 보기10 daysWhich section of seats shall i book if im travelling from Tokyo t...
HI All, Which section of seats shall i book if im travelling from Tokyo to kyoto for best view o...12 days 전1 답변442 보기10 daysRoute to Yokosuka
Whats the best Rail Route from Narita intl airport to Yokosuka japan the Central Hotel13 days 전1 답변517 보기12 daysTo buy a 14 day JR pass or use Suica travel card
Hi, We a family of 4, 2 adults and 2 kids (aged 16 and 17) are travelling to Japan from 5th to 1...18 days 전1 답변475 보기7 daysJapan Trains
Hi. Travelling to Tokyo for 4days, then on to Kyoto for 4days, Hiroshima for 2 days, then Hakone ...19 days 전2 답변613 보기10 daysJR Pass for 21 days or other choices?
Hello I'm currently in travelling in the South Pacific area . I'm planning on a trip to Japan for...19 days 전5 답변595 보기10 daysJR Pass and Booking
I’ll be traveling to Tokyo for nine days with the following itinerary: Arriving at Narita Airpo...21 days 전1 답변476 보기16 daysNew
I will be traveling with my family of 5 from Tokyo to Osaka and Kyoto. Which would be the best pa...23 days 전1 답변1084 보기20 daysTravelling from Osaka to Tokyo, Kyoto And Hiroshima
First, aside from the price difference we would like to know the difference between the regular...23 days 전1 답변431 보기14 daysPermanent Resident Card
Hello, We will be travelling from Canada and would like to purchase a 7 day rail pass. It says th...24 days 전1 답변761 보기21 daysFamily Travel, Is JRPass the best option?
Hello, my family and I are planning to visit Japan. We are spending 13 days in Japan, and I want ...24 days 전1 답변738 보기16 daysBest pass for my itinerary
Hi, We’ll be in Japan from 08 August to 26 August. This is my itinerary: 08-09-10 August: Osaka ...about 1 month 전1 답변483 보기23 daysOsaka to Fukuoka to Kunisaki to Osaka
What are my best rail tickets to but for this trip? 7 March 2025 Osaka to Fukuoka 14th march 202...about 1 month 전1 답변489 보기23 daysSanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way Ticket
Hi, I read on the JR-West website that there is a Sanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way Ticket that...about 1 month 전1 답변1638 보기28 daysKyushu
I am planning to spend about 1 week in Kyushu and taking trains to Nagasaki for 2 days, Kumamoto ...about 1 month 전1 답변750 보기28 daysMr
What Metro and subway lines in Tokyo are covered with the JR pass?about 1 month 전1 답변842 보기about 1 monthSanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way Ticket
Hi, I read on the JR-West website that there is a Sanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way Ticket that...about 1 month 전1 답변1060 보기about 1 monthfirst time visitor to Japan
hi we are travelling from Haneda airport to Sendai, on May 8th from Tokyo to Osaka on 24th May. I...about 2 months 전1 답변797 보기about 1 month
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