• Shimoyoshida to Osakanatali_pa

    Hello! I would be glad to get any information about this route. We're staying in Shimoyoshida, I ...
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  • JR PASSES WORTH IT?ginalee623

    Hello, I'm traveling as a family of 4 (2 adults & 2 children - ages 2 and 5). I am trying to ...
    Hace 7 días
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  • Train Transfer TimesEA

    Hi there, I'll be travelling from Kyoto to Haneda Airport, which involves taking a bullet train ...
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  • Which section of seats shall i book if im travelling from Tokyo t...saurabh.kanojia.iim@gmail.com

    HI All, Which section of seats shall i book if im travelling from Tokyo to kyoto for best view o...
    Hace 12 días
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  • Route to Yokosuka Helenj87

    Whats the best Rail Route from Narita intl airport to Yokosuka japan the Central Hotel
    Hace 13 días
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  • To buy a 14 day JR pass or use Suica travel cardAnunivi18

    Hi, We a family of 4, 2 adults and 2 kids (aged 16 and 17) are travelling to Japan from 5th to 1...
    Hace 18 días
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    7 días
  • Japan TrainsSally Andon

    Hi. Travelling to Tokyo for 4days, then on to Kyoto for 4days, Hiroshima for 2 days, then Hakone ...
    Hace 19 días
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    11 días
  • JR Pass for 21 days or other choices?peter65

    Hello I'm currently in travelling in the South Pacific area . I'm planning on a trip to Japan for...
    Hace 19 días
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    10 días
  • JR Pass and BookingNSR1234

    I’ll be traveling to Tokyo for nine days with the following itinerary: Arriving at Narita Airpo...
    Hace 21 días
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  • Newjkcroy

    I will be traveling with my family of 5 from Tokyo to Osaka and Kyoto. Which would be the best pa...
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  • Travelling from Osaka to Tokyo, Kyoto And Hiroshimaleoceniza

    First, aside from the price difference we would like to know the difference between the regular...
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    14 días
  • Permanent Resident CardKellyT

    Hello, We will be travelling from Canada and would like to purchase a 7 day rail pass. It says th...
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  • Family Travel, Is JRPass the best option?SwordFMLY

    Hello, my family and I are planning to visit Japan. We are spending 13 days in Japan, and I want ...
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  • Best pass for my itinerary Simona74

    Hi, We’ll be in Japan from 08 August to 26 August. This is my itinerary: 08-09-10 August: Osaka ...
    Hace alrededor de 1 mes
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  • Osaka to Fukuoka to Kunisaki to OsakaPETERCOXY

    What are my best rail tickets to but for this trip? 7 March 2025 Osaka to Fukuoka 14th march 202...
    Hace alrededor de 1 mes
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    23 días
  • Sanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way TicketEileen L

    Hi, I read on the JR-West website that there is a Sanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way Ticket that...
    Hace alrededor de 1 mes
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  • KyushuSwee

    I am planning to spend about 1 week in Kyushu and taking trains to Nagasaki for 2 days, Kumamoto ...
    Hace alrededor de 1 mes
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  • Mrmanohars

    What Metro and subway lines in Tokyo are covered with the JR pass?
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    alrededor de 1 mes
  • Sanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way TicketEileen L

    Hi, I read on the JR-West website that there is a Sanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way Ticket that...
    Hace alrededor de 1 mes
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    alrededor de 1 mes
  • first time visitor to Japanduxmother

    hi we are travelling from Haneda airport to Sendai, on May 8th from Tokyo to Osaka on 24th May. I...
    Hace alrededor de 2 meses
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    alrededor de 1 mes

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