Using the Japan Rail Pass(으)로 돌아가기

accidently put only one N in last name instead of two.

over 13 years 전
1 답변

This might sound utterly stupid to ask, but since there are no passport tickets on the reservation JR passports I have to ask, still have one week to go, we got the tickets - I ordered for my friend and myself, just that her last name in her passport has two "N"s, unlike the tickets I ordered... so.. will it be a problem?

1950 올리기
over 13 years 전

Hi there,

The honest answer is: it depends on the clerk at JR. I certainly know of people who's name has been misspelled on their pass who have been successful, but can't guarantee it.

If you placed your order with us, please contact our support team at: [email protected] with your order number and we'll be happy to help (Sooner the better if you are leaving in 1 week)!


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