Pronti ad esplorare il Giappone?
Scopri di più da oltre 18427 domande riguardo la Japan Rail Pass o chiedi ai nostri esperti di viaggio Japan Rail

September 5, 2023
You arrive in beautiful Kyoto, one of Japan’s most historic and cultural cities, with 48 hours to see as much as you can. What should you do?

September 4, 2023
Pricing And Perk Changes To The Japan Rail Pass
[UPDATED] Recently, Japan Rail Group has announced it will increase the price of the Japan Rail Pass from October 2023 along with a host of new additions. In this post to discuss what it will mean for you.

August 29, 2023
Best Indoor Activities In Japan
What are the best activities to do in Japan when it’s either too hot or too wet to go outside? Find out in our top 10 indoor activities in Japan.

August 23, 2023
Guide To Sake
If you want to learn more about the famous Japanese rice wine known as Sake before you arrive in Japan then you’ve come to the right place.

August 15, 2023
Kyōtei (Boat Racing) In Japan
Japan’s aquatic F1 - Kyōtei (boat racing) - is one of Japan’s lesser-known yet super exciting home-grown sports. Find out more in our guide.

August 7, 2023
The Art Of Bonsai
Learn more about the beautiful art of bonsai, which has become synonymous with the country of Japan, in our comprehensive guide.

July 31, 2023
A To Z Of Japanese Ingredients
Japan is famous for its healthy, fresh, and delicious food and we’re here to help you learn all about the best Japanese ingredients before you visit.

July 30, 2023
Top 10 Outdoor Activities In Japan
The beautiful country of Japan is the ideal place for those who love outdoor activities. From parks and forests, to mountains and beaches, Japan has it all.

July 28, 2023
Japan For Senior Travellers
Japan is a great destination if you're getting a little older and want a slower paced holiday filled with fascinating, once-in-a-lifetime activities.

July 27, 2023
48 Hours In Osaka
You arrive in bustling, vibrant Osaka - one of Japan’s biggest and best cities - with 48 hours to see as much as you can. What should you do? Find out here!
Pronti ad esplorare il Giappone?
Scopri di più da oltre 18427 domande riguardo la Japan Rail Pass o chiedi ai nostri esperti di viaggio Japan Rail
Find out where to buy the japan rail pass online.
Ordina la tua JR Pass ora!
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