• Should I buy a JR Pass (7 or 14 day) or separate tickets?rabbit4

    Hi, I am wondering whether it's worth getting a JR Pass (7 or 14 day) or whether to just buy tic...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
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    22912 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • 9 days Autumn trip help fioon

    16 -- arriving haneda 10.30pm - overnight tokyo 17 -- tokyo-nighttrain<>kyoto-overnight ky...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
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    plus de 13 ans
  • 14 day or 21 day?Eve

    Hi, Im travelling to Japan on my own at the start of November. Doing lots of sightseeing and visi...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    2 réponses
    19431 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • JR Pass and other general enquiriestouch

    Hi, Will be visiting Japan for the first time this coming Monday and I am rather clueless about ...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    1 réponse
    25360 vues
    plus de 4 ans
  • Where to exchange my JR Pass?Lynn_Kong

    Dear Sirs, I would like to know whether got any other places to exchange JR Pass near Asakusa ex...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    1 réponse
    21195 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Osaka to Tokyo incl. Koyasan, Nara & Takayamabooq33

    Hi, this is my first trip to Japan with the following itinerary - 12 Oct Arrive at Osaka Kansai...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    2 réponses
    27055 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • 11 days trip in Japanantonyk

    From 8-th of October 8-th - From Narita to Tokyo and direct to hotel near Nagoya or after walk ...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    3 réponses
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    plus de 13 ans
  • Exchanging JR Passprita

    Hi, When exchanging order for JR Pass, does the owner of the order have to do it themselves or c...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    2 réponses
    20805 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Reserving seats when using a JR Passthempstead

    Ok, I looking to go on holiday to Japan and for part of the period I'm over there have a 7-day JR...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    3 réponses
    22772 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Do I need to be home when my JR pass is delivered?Deena

    I want to have my JR pass sent to my home address, but I will be at work. Does someone need to s...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
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    plus de 13 ans
  • Japan round tripnicole

    Hi all, We have planned the following trip through Japan: Day 1 Arrival in Tokyo Day 2 Tokyo D...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    2 réponses
    26091 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Exchange Office opening timeshughy55

    Three of us (3) will be arriving at Haneda airport around 2230 on 20/9/11 and our neice is arrivi...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    2 réponses
    22971 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Middle NamesDerisu

    Hi, I just ordered a Rail Pass. The online form did not ask for a "Middle Name", so I instrincti...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    3 réponses
    24365 vues
    environ 11 ans
  • 7 day pass or 14 day passoandi

    Hello, just trying to maximize our choice of a JR pass. here’s our planned intinerary DAY 1 A...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    3 réponses
    25014 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • accidently put only one N in last name instead of two.Tsukinoaya

    This might sound utterly stupid to ask, but since there are no passport tickets on the reservatio...
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    plus de 13 ans
  • First visit to Japan and need advicesilvester

    Hi, I have been following this forum with great interest and the advice given. My wife and I will...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    5 réponses
    26478 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Tokyo, Kyoto & surrounding areairis desmytter

    Hello, Can you give us your advice on our route through Japan and is it profitable to obtain a J...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    1 réponse
    23227 vues
    presque 5 ans
  • I forgot to buy the JRpass I leaving my country tmrthtrip

    What should I do? I like a stupid question but that was happened T T. Need help!! Can I order it ...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
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  • Great service, thank you!cchapman

    I just wanted to write a note of thanks to the jrpass team - is there somewhere to put testimonia...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
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  • 7 Day Passsherpa33

    Travelling to Japan in September with my wife and would appreciate if you could check this itiner...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
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    24636 vues
    plus de 13 ans

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