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Regarding the JR West Line

Il y a presque 13 ans
1 réponse


I am arriving in Japan in early April 2012. I need to travel from the Kansai International Airport (KIX) to Kyoto on the Haruka express and then back again from Kyoto to KIX about 8 days later for my flight home. Is it possible to purchase a 1 day JR West Rail pass for the first trip from KIX to Kyoto on the Haruka and then a second 1 day JR West Rail pass for the return trip on the Haruka from Kyoto to KIX?

OR, would it be better to just purchase individual tickets when I get into Japan? I am confused because it says on the JR West website that if you purchase the JR West pass in Japan you can only purchase one ticket per stay.

Many thanks in advance for any help you can provide.


1950 poster
Il y a presque 13 ans

Hi there,

The rules of the JR-West pass are such that you are only allowed to purchase one per visit. However, as the ticket offers a good discount on the trip from KIX to Kyoto, I recommend you purchase it on arrival for the trip to Kyoto, then on return you could always try to purchase another. If successful, you can travel for the reduced rate. If not, you will have to pay the normal fare. This way to you will at least save money on one leg, and may be able to save money on both legs if you are lucky!

Hope this helps!

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