• 7-day pass? 10 days in Tokyo, 2 days in Kyoto, 2 days in Takayamakunomus

    My husband and I will arrive in Tokyo (Narita Airport) on Sunday, 7 October 2012 around 3 am. We...
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  • 14 Day TripSambi0825

    Hi, My husband and I are travelling next month for 14 days. We are so excited and also very ove...
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  • Hakonecox1515

    Is there a bullet train to Hakone, or a regular JR train?
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  • Tokyo to Kyotocox1515

    I want to go to Kyoto from Tokyo. Which station an I take the bullet train from? Tokyo station or...
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  • Hiroshima Tram System and Miyajimajacek

    Does JR Pass cover Tram System in Hiroshima, ferry to Miyajima and Miyajima ropeway? Jacej
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  • Going to Suzuka from Tokyo to watch Formula 1deathmagnetic

    Hello, My wife and I will be in Tokyo and plan to watch the qualifying on Oct 6th & the race...
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  • Shinkansen from Kyoto to Fukuoka?Alher

    Hi everyone, I have been looking around similar posts regarding this itinerary. I am planning a ...
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    casi 2 años
  • Tokyo Metro Ticket "Special 1-Day Open Ticket"rang

    Hi, I'm going to Tokyo from Osaka by JR, where to buy Tokyo Metro "Special 1-Day Open Ticket" in...
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  • 4 weeks japon s rail passedene

    Hello In one year i plan to go to japon for more than 4 weeks and i need to know whether we can b...
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  • Reserving seats for new years evedawgtanian

    Hi there, Here is my Itinerary using a 7-day JR pass: Dec 31st Mon - (Start JR Pass) 7am Tokyo ...
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  • Pass validity in days or hours?jacek

    I bought 7-day pass. The first time I’m going to use it for traveling from Tokyo to Kyoto 25 of S...
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  • Osaka - Kyoto - Nara - Hiroshima - Nagasaki - OkinawaGarin

    Hello, i'm planning a 4 week trip to Japan starting on the 13th of October. I'll be staying the ...
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  • Mount fuziAshvin

    We have 7 days japan railpass- first class. Now we want to go from tokyo for one day Mount fuzi d...
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  • Kyoto - Yakushima - Osaka time table with JR Passalexandradumas

    Hi! I'm trying to figure out with Hyperdia how I can travel from Kyoto to Yakushima and then bac...
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  • When to activate the JR Passclaudia007

    Dear Sir/Madame, We arrive to Narita on Sept. 27th and stay for a total of 11 days, we bought 7 ...
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  • Can my wife collect my JR pass for me..?CaptinTom

    My wife and I are travelling to Japan in November where we shall be using a JR pass for one week....
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  • Is JR Pass valid for every stop that we plannedanbltd.johnnylo

    Dear Sir/Madam, We have 2 questions 1) We are planning for a trip to few places in Japan for ...
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  • JR Pass or individual tickets?corinne

    We plan to go From Kyoto to Hiroshima. Then Iwakuni to Kyoto. Then Kyoto to Kobe to Kyoto. Withi...
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  • change of datedrrjyaguru

    Hello, i have book my JRPASS yesterday for seven days .starting from 27 th sept ,now want to CHA...
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  • Tokyo Airport to Hiroshimapcool

    Hello, I am flying in to Tokyo on the 26th and from there I must make my way that day to Hiroshi...
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