• Narita to Shinjukumikee157

    Hi I have purchased my JR pass and understand I can use this on the narita express? My flight l...
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  • 7 day JR passjeffu4090

    Hi, Please advice if the JR pass covers 1st 7 days of the trip? Here's my itinerary end of Apr:...
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  • 14 or 21 day pass? Which train can use JR pass and which can't?SiongSan

    Hi Admin, I am from Singapore and will be traveling to Japan for the first time, and I am a litt...
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  • Osaka Airport - Shin Osaka- Tokyo- Asakusabashiedathome

    Hi Arriving Osaka airport 8.30 am. Want to get to Shin Osaka then fast train to Tokyo then on ...
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  • Help with timetable?cloudya

    I seem to be too dumb to use Hyperdia, anyone around who could help us with the following: We wi...
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  • Three weeks in Japanclement

    I plan to tour Japan for three weeks in May. I will arrive in and depart from Tokyo-Narita. Apar...
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  • Fukuokajecym

    Hello iam going to travel to Japan and South Corea i dont know yet if iam going to start with Jap...
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  • Is it worth to buy a 2-week JP pass for my itinerary?ritalac

    Hello, I am going for weeks to Japan shortly and I would like to check whether it is worth for m...
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  • From TOKYO TO FUKUIaparnah

    Hi, I want to know if I can use the Japan Rail Passes to travel from Tokyo to Fukui? We wish to v...
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  • Is there a rail pass similar to JR pass for people living in Japan?dmah

    My daughter is working in Saitama prefecture for a year and has a friend, who has never been to J...
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    casi 6 años
  • 3 week - 1 month relaxed route in Japan - suggestions?Tanm

    Hi, I'm still figuring out my itinerary for Japan, although I will be there next week. I will b...
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    más de 9 años
  • A month in Japan - 21 day rail pass? Or less?Tanm

    Hi, I'm still figuring out the length of time I will stay in Japan, although I'm arriving in a w...
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  • green car upgradehawhinella

    Is it possible to buy a 21-day ordinary pass and then pay the difference to upgrade to green car ...
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    9 meses
  • 11 day trip to parts of Japan, advice please! :)Marte92

    A friend of mine and I are going to Japan in the summer. From 19 to 27 of august we'll be partici...
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  • Urgent pleaseannanickcj

    I ordered my rail pass today and we leave on 8th April would I get my tickets by then?
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  • Tokyo - Osaka - Kyoto - Tokyovivien_33

    Hi, I'll be travelling with my parents and sister (family of 4). I arrive in Tokyo and plan to he...
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  • Please help - which pass for my holiday? Mo

    Hi there I will be heading to Japan in May and need some help in choosing which is the best way ...
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  • Which Rail Pass Should I Get for a 15D Tokyo & Hokkaido trip?thexeira

    Hi there, I'll be travelling to Tokyo & Hokkaido in July & the following is my itinerary....
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  • Kyoto-Kanazawa-Tokyocaz

    Please could you let me know if this itinery is possible on the weekend of 3 May this year, and i...
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  • Can the pass be used on buses? Getting around Tokyo and Kyoto dileung

    Hi there, Just wondering if the pass could be used on buses and maybe other type of transportati...
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