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Travelling end of March 2024

James Watson
James Watson
Hace más de 1 año
3 respuestas

Excited to be planning our family holiday but a little confused by rail tickets,
Haneda to Tokyo 20 March
4 nights Tokyo
1 night Hakone
3 nights Hiroshima
3 nights Osaka
4 nights Kyoto
1 night Tokyo before flying home to the UK

Are we better with a JR pass or individual tickets, if individual how easy are they to buy at the station

18924 post
Hace más de 1 año

Hi there,

I checked but could not find a JR Pass that would help you make savings on this route - as such I recommend buying normal rail tickets.

Buying normal tickets is easy, just go to a ticket machine or manned ticket window and tell them when/where you want to travel. Very similar to the UK.

Kind regards,

James Watson
James Watson
3 post
Hace más de 1 año

Huge thanks for this are they the same price on the day or cheaper in advance just like in the UK

18924 post
Hace más de 1 año

Prices are usually the same, sometimes small discounts can be had ordering ahead of time online.

James Watson
James Watson
3 post
Hace más de 1 año

That’s great huge thanks for all your assistance

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