  • Train Transfer TimesEA

    Hi there, I'll be travelling from Kyoto to Haneda Airport, which involves taking a bullet train ...
    10 天前
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    10 天
  • i bought this pass in china but my adresse is paris , i 'll never...hanxue

    order number is: #2646551 I need to cancel and get a refund of the JR pass order order #2646551...
    11 天前
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    10 天
  • DeliveryAfisch530

    I just purchased the JR pass but I did not see any details about delivery options and when I paid...
    11 天前
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  • travel tipAdel&Zso

    Hi, We would like to ask for help regarding our trip to Japan. We will arrive in Tokyo on March ...
    11 天前
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    5 天
  • Booking trainsDaniel Maier

    I just purchased a JR RailPass for our upcoming visit to Japan in April, how can I book specific ...
    11 天前
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  • Which pass will best suit for Tokyo- Osaka- Kyoto tripSadiaH

    Hi I will be arriving in Tokyo on 23 Mar and following is the travel plan. Which rail pass should...
    11 天前
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    7 天
  • Using the Japan Rail Pass multiple times and clarification neededdattien51

    Hi, I have some questions about using the Japan Rail Pass, and I’d appreciate your help: 1/ My ...
    11 天前
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    7 天
  • LayLayJRPass2025

    My friend and I plan to visit Nagoya (1 day), Takayama (4 days) and then back to Tokyo (4 days)....
    12 天前
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    5 天
  • Al LesmesAllesmes

    Hello. I am from Georgia, USA and already have my Hokuriku Arch Passes for me and my daughter. H...
    12 天前
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    10 天
  • Which section of seats shall i book if im travelling from Tokyo t...saurabh.kanojia.iim@gmail.com

    HI All, Which section of seats shall i book if im travelling from Tokyo to kyoto for best view o...
    12 天前
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    10 天
  • JRPassJPaim

    So, i've already bought my JRPass and i'm from Portugal. The thing is that the Pass is stuck in C...
    12 天前
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    8 天
  • Route to Yokosuka Helenj87

    Whats the best Rail Route from Narita intl airport to Yokosuka japan the Central Hotel
    13 天前
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  • traveling from Nara to KoyasanJackiem11

    I would like to know how long it will take to get from Nara to Koyasan. What are our best option...
    13 天前
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    7 天
  • Cancellation and Refund Request of JR order #2614370Kanchan Pant

    I need to cancel and get a refund of the JR pass order order #2614370 as I had to cancel my Japa...
    14 天前
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    13 天
  • Kansei Hiroshima Passthiagocaladokako

    Hello, I will be traveling from Brazil (Recife) to Japan on March 21. I would like to purchase t...
    14 天前
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    13 天
  • Should we get a JR pass?Paula Edwards

    I'm wondering what is the best JR pass for us to get or to pay individually May 1 Tokyo Haneda ...
    15 天前
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    6 天
  • Nikko / Kansai / tokyoana.z

    Hi! I would like to ask which pass do you recomend me? I will stay in Nikko 3 days Then, night bu...
    15 天前
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    5 天
  • 17 Day Family Trip to Japan - how to best use the JRPassLauren Ellen

    Hello, Our family of 5 (all ages 12 and up) is visiting Japan for 17 days this summer. Our itine...
    15 天前
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    11 天
  • Choosing hotels and rail linesSomnath

    Hello, why wife and I have JUST started planning a 12-14 day relaxed Japan trip next month. We ar...
    15 天前
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    10 天
  • JRPASS 7 days Jojo1610

    Hi, I will be visiting Japan on April with my familly of 4 (My kids are 16 and 13) . First , we’l...
    15 天前
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    12 天


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