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10 Day Trip - 7 Day JR + what?

大約 12 年前
1 回答

I'm going to Japan for 10 days and am wondering what is the best way to get tickets/passes to travel around during that time.

I'm flying in to Narita, then going directly to Tokyo. I'll be there for a few days and then I will be travelling to Osaka, Kyoto, Fukuoka, and then back to Tokyo. I will have 7 calendar days of travelling once I leave Toyko (including that day).

My thought was to get the 7 day JR pass and activate it for the day I leave Tokyo (which will give me a full seven calendar days of travel), however, I am wondering how to handle the travel to and from the airport and around Tokyo while I am there for the first few days.

One option I have considered is the NEX + Suica card round trip. However, I am wondering if it would be better to just get the 14 day JR pass. Or perhaps there is a third option that is even better that I am missing out on.

What's my best option?

Thanks so much.

1950 發帖
大約 12 年前

Hi there!

I think you have the right idea - use a 7 day pass for your long distance travel and purchase a combined airport+metro deal to cover your first few days and return to the airport.

As a suggestion, I personally really like the Keisei Skyliner + 2 day metro unlimited pass deal and also purchasing more unlimited metro passes as needed rather than the Suica option. Suica is great, but it is a prepaid card and so can run out. With the unlimited metro passes you can use the subway and metro as much as you want. You can only use the metro (the Suica can be used on all lines), but this covers the vast majority of travel you'll want to do I think. Note that these deals are only available at Narita, so if you think you'll need a further 1 day metro card in addition to the 2 day pass with your keisei skyline ticket, I recommend you pick them up at the same time.

Hope this helps!




7天無限制日本鐵路旅行,起價$ 331.00







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