Please let me know if this is acceptable if I order exchange order when I am already in Japan and ask friends to bring it to Japan since they will come to visit Japan soon?
返回General Japan Travel
Exchange order while already inJapan

接近 13 年前
3 回答
1950 發帖
1683 關注
接近 13 年前
Hi there!
Yes, provided you purchase your Rail Pass from an agent based outside Japan you will be fine. You could also ask your friend to purchase it on your behalf and reimburse them for the fee.
Hope this helps!

3 發帖
0 關注
接近 13 年前
So it means that if I entered Japan in begining of May and exchange order is issued for example today 16th of May ( after date I entered Japan) , there will be no problem to get JR Pass in JR office?
1950 發帖
1683 關注
接近 13 年前
Hi there,
Yes, that is correct, provided you have the correct visa in your passport (temporary visitor).
Hope this helps!
General Japan Travel