  • JR pass and Arashiyama?ucjsee

    Hi. I would like to stay near Uzumasa JR station. can I use my JR pass from Kyoto station to trav...
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • does my daughter (5 years old +) need JR pass?hangtan80

    hi, i am traveling family on 27 sept 2012, i would like to ask my daughter born on 01 dec 2006 (5...
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • Narita Express with 2yr-oldjunkobaker

    I am buying passes for my family, and traveling with a 2yr old who does not require ticket if he ...
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • osaka (Kansai) to kyoto to osaka to fukuokabws.vincent

    Hi, I will be arriving in Osaka next month and planned to go to Kyoto straight. Intended to stay...
    12 年多前
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    接近 10 年
  • Rail service after flooding in Kyushuwallywestway

    Hello, we are planning to buy a pass to travel in Japan and we will be travelling in Kyushu (Fuku...
    12 年多前
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    9 年多
  • Hiking in central & southern Japan, Oct-Novoslo

    Hello! I'm planning a 28 day trip with long walks (trekking) as my main activity. questions: i...
    12 年多前
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    4 年多
  • Train from Osaka to NRTracheltran1201

    hi, i m planning to take the train from Osaka to Narita airport on Aug,17th, how long the train ...
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • 4 weeks in Japan - Hokkaido or Kansai first?Shiruni

    Just bought my 21-day JR pass and I am planning to go south as far as Hiroshima and north to Hokk...
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • OK to open sealed envelope?mchiyome

    I just received my jr pass exchange order in a sealed envelope, is it ok to open it or should I k...
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • payments with credit card belonging to non-travellerkarolina

    is it possible to pay with credit card belonging someone else? Is it needed later when exchanging...
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • Nikko with a JR PassKath

    Can I use the JR Pass from Shibuya to Nikko
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • Best Tickets for Kansaibarrie

    I will be arriving at Kansai Airport on Monday 26th November and departing Kansai on Wednesday 5t...
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • Round Trip to Tokyo - Hiroshima in 7 daysgj

    I'm going to be in Tokyo from the 30th of August, from there I was looking to do a bit of a tour....
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • Yokohama and Kamakura to HakoneAimee

    Is there a train that will get us from either Yokohama or Kamakura to Odawara using the JR Pass? ...
    12 年多前
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    大约 2 年
  • Osaka to Tokyo to Hokaido to Tokyochewyen123

    Below are my itinerary and hope to get your advice on whether worth to use JR Pass. 15/10, 3.45 ...
    12 年多前
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    4 年多
  • Fukuoka - Nagoya - Tokyo - Kyoto - Fukuokasenoraperry

    Hi! We are travelling to Japan Aug 24-Sept 6. We have friends with a car, so some legs of this t...
    12 年多前
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    接近 10 年
  • Narita Airport to Tokyo Hilton (Shinjuku)[email protected]

    Can you use your JR pass to take a train from the airport to the Shinjuku station in tokyo.
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • Fukuoka - Nagasaki - Arita - Fukuoka mjoo2

    Hi I am planning to visit Kyushu in end of this month... I will be landed in Fukuoka airport on ...
    12 年多前
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    9 年多
  • Tokyo to Kyoto by train[email protected]

    I am staying in Tokyo in the Shinjuku area of the city. How do I go about getting a train to Kyo...
    12 年多前
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    12 年多
  • Nara to Tokyo Travel[email protected]

    I am travelling from Nara a a day stay back to Tokyo. What trains do I take and how long is the ...
    12 年多前
    1 回答
    大约 6 年


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