  • Upgrading to use Nozomimick

    if i have a japan rail pass & the only suitable time is a nozzumi train , do i buy another t...
    大约 13 年前
    1 回答
    大约 13 年
  • Will the JR Pass suit our needs?Jamarili

    Hello, I am visiting Japan with my two daughters April 20th through April 30th. We hope to vis...
    大约 13 年前
    2 回答
    大约 13 年
  • college student visa and japan rail passpeter

    I will be studying at a university in Machida for 4 months starting in April. I would like to pur...
    大约 13 年前
    2 回答
    大约 13 年
  • JR Pass hourly or daily validitygw

    If I activate my 7 day pass by taking the first journey in the late afternoon, say 5pm on Day 1, ...
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 13 年
  • tokyo - kyoto - kagoshima/ibusuki - tokyoichi

    hi, Our travel plans are: 3/28 flIght into tokyo (narita airport) 4/1 tokyo - kyoto 4/7 kyo...
    大约 13 年前
    5 回答
    接近 5 年
  • Golden weekkarinamsouza

    Hi! I am going to Japan for holidays and I will buy the JR pass for 14 days, but I am worried abo...
    大约 13 年前
    2 回答
    大约 13 年
  • How worth to buy a 21 or 14 days passlornash

    Please advice hich rail pass to buy and if possible to reserve seats before getting to Japan Toky...
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 13 年
  • Shall we buy the JR Pass ?christina

    Hello, We expect travelling in Japan in few weeks, but we are still wondering about the JR Pass.....
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 13 年
  • Purchase JR Pass at Kansai AirportBee Kuan,Tan

    Dear Sir / Madam, Question 1) Can I purchase the 7 days JRPass at Kansai Airport(JR Counter), An...
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 13 年
  • JR Pass for 14 days or 21 days?arhat

    Hi, im travelling to Japan and i wonder if i need the 14 days JR Pass or the 21. This is my itin...
    大约 13 年前
    4 回答
    接近 5 年
  • Tokyo - KyotoTim28

    Hi, I am travelling to Japan for 2 weeks and am interested in finding out whether it is worthwhi...
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 13 年
  • Osaka to Nagano to Tokyoollys18

    Hi there, is it possible to do the following with JR, Osaka to Nagano, Does this go through Tok...
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 13 年
  • Locker service in Kyoto and Naraplwong

    I will be checking out of the hotel in Osaka before visiting Kyoto and checking into a ryokan in ...
    大约 13 年前
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    9 年多
  • Is it worth buying a 7 day Pass?Chriswill360

    Hello, My girlfriend and I will be visiting Japan at the start of April for 10 days. I wonder wh...
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 13 年
  • Buying JR tickets after JR Pass period finishesamily_ang

    Our family of 4 (3 adults & a child) are visiting Tokyo / Hakone for 8 days. We are landing i...
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 13 年
  • Tokyo - Kyoto - Umedaahmeng5602

    Hi mari, Happy to know that there is one specialist person in this forum to answer our's inquiri...
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 13 年
  • JR Pass for children 11 years and 4 monthssirinun.y

    I would like to ask about JR Pass for children. Her age is 11 years and 4 months on the Date at t...
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 13 年
  • Asama shinkansen with jrpass?hibagon1974

    does the japan rail pass include travel between tokyo and nagano on the asama shinkansen?
    大约 13 年前
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    大约 8 年
  • which pass should be pre-purchase?zen

    Hi my husband and I are traveling to Japan in May and its been suggested we get a JR Pass , we a...
    大约 13 年前
    1 回答
    接近 5 年
  • Is it worth us buying a 14 day JR passnallitt

    Hello My husband and I are going to be visiting Japan and we are wondering if it is more economi...
    大约 13 年前
    1 回答
    大约 13 年


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