  • Japan Transportation HelpMik

    Hi there, My partner and I will be travelling to Japan for 25 days. Of that time we will be spen...
    接近 13 年前
    1 回答
    接近 13 年
  • Purchase of Japan Rail Passgmmmsilva

    Hello Me and my husband plan to visit Japan from April 25th to May 7 and we will buy a 7 day J...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • What is the best way to Sapporo and where would you recommend to ...jonlinee

    Hi, I have always wanted to visit the Lavender field in Japan (Furano) and our trip is finally c...
    接近 13 年前
    2 回答
    8 年多
  • Seat reservations in Golden Weekamylydia

    Hello, We are planning our trip to Japan (for a wedding and holiday) and will be travelling duri...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • Rail pass for Kanazawatamana

    Aside from a JR rail pass which covers the entire network, is there a pass which includes Kanazaw...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • 2 week or 3 week JRPass?Kami

    Hello, I am planning a 3 week trip around Japan. I will spend a few days in Tokyo in after I arr...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • Kansai airport to KyotoChinaowl

    Hi I will be arriving at Kansai airport Friday 27th April at 3.15 and want to use my JR pass to ...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • Under 6yr child & JR Passsachiem

    Hello. We are travelling this summer w/ my children ages 5 and 6. While I was trying to purchas...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • 7days pass w 3days special or 14days passiluex

    i'll be arriving at Haneda on 3rd Apr 0530 and heading to kyoto straight from tokyo station until...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • JR express wide view surchargeron148

    I bought japan rail pass. do i have to pay extra fee or surcharge to ride on: 1) JR 特級ワイドヒユダ (w...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • Best and easiest place to see Mt FujiChinaowl

    Hi I really want to visit Mt Fuji from Tokyo but only have a day to do so. using my JR pass whic...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • Last minute ticket buy..leeloodallas

    Hi, I'm in a big hurry. I decided to go to Japan now, leaving in 2 days, meaning this coming Sun...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 10 年
  • 7 or 14 day rail passNancyCalifornia

    Like so many others, I'm debating whether to buy a 7 or 14 day rail pass. Traveling in mid-April,...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • 7 or 14 day advice?huaalk222

    Hello , I'm planning to make the following course during my stay: 04/25 arrive tokyo late night...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • Short Holiday Travelling between Tokyo and Kansai. Is the JR Pass...jaymiyc

    I'm going to show my family around Japan for 2 Weeks in the Summer, and we've planned to travel f...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • Suggested day trip from either Tokyo, Kyoto or Hiroshimainsomniac

    Hello, We're fortunate that we have an extra day on the last leg of our trip, which is from Kyot...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • Travel advice neededwberg

    Hello, I'm visiting Japan in a party of three. My two guests have never been to Japan, however I...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 10 年
  • Narita Express validity?details1113

    I will be in Japan in a couple of weeks and need to get from NRT to Tokyo. Is the pass good for ...
    接近 13 年前
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    接近 13 年
  • Osaka to Tokyo with JR East Pass Special?Tiger

    Hi! We will be arriving Kansai on April01 and will leave Narita on April 09. 01 & 02 - Osaka ...
    接近 13 年前
    1 回答
    5 年多
  • Where can I see train pushers in action?insomniac

    Hello, I will be in Tokyo for 4 days and one of the sights I really want to see is a train pushe...
    接近 13 年前
    4 回答
    10 个月


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