  • What is the cheapest way to travel around Osaka-kyoto-tokyo?Hoda

    I'm travelling with a freind for 14 days to and around Osaka (5days) -Kyoto (5 days) -Tokyo (4 da...
    11 年多前
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  • Tokyo - Kyoto - Toyooka - Nagaoka - Yudanaka Onsen - TokyoThadpohl

    My friend and I have never been to Japan. We have both purchased Japan rail passes and will be a...
    11 年多前
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  • Planning help pleaseMigoo

    Hi guys, I only have a rough itinerary at this stage but would really appreciate some help. My ...
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  • Reserving a seat on the Tokyo-Kyoto Hikari trainawalts

    I've read that you can reserve a seat on the Tokyo-Kyoto Hikari train at a Travel Service Center ...
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  • Yokosuka as home basedavesmom54

    We are planning to visit our son in yokosuka in December. We will fly into Narita and then go to ...
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  • Traveling to Japan in March 2014kayaker_dave

    We will be staying 14 days. I have my flight and hotels booked, but wanted to check the train t...
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  • Military using rail passdavesmom54

    My son is in the navy stationed in yokosuka. We plan to visit and purchase a rail pass. Can we pu...
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  • Going out of Tokyo on Christmas dayluusyphre

    I've heard that it's a big hassle to get on the rail during Christmas. We are planning to leave T...
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  • should we purchase rail passSuzanne

    4 adults travelling to a conference in Yokohama. We arrive in Toyko Oct 25 and are staying at New...
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  • Should I buy JR pass 7 days?Carrielam928

    Hi, I will reach Narita airport on Dec 25...and I will stay in shinjuku On Dec 26-28...I will g...
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  • Travel to Japan to visit our son aruddell

    We plan to visit Japan next year to visit our son who is studying in Japan for the school year. ...
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  • Tokyo - Kyoto - Fukuokasad_eyes0211

    Hello there, Me and my friend will spend around 9 days in Japan. We plan to arrive on 14 Dec in ...
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  • Which pass to use?divanhey

    We will travel to Japan in January 2014 and I would like to find out the best way to get around. ...
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  • 16 days in Japan Tokyo-Kyoto-Hiroshima-Nozawa Onsen-Tokyowellings

    We are a family of 4 - 2 adults 14 year old and 13 year old - travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto - H...
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  • Which JR Pass to buykurara

    Hello, I'll be traveling for 15 days and I'm wondering which JR pass I should buy (7 days? 14 day...
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  • Should we get 7 days JR pass or normal tickets please?Songyos

    Hi there, My wife and I are going to Japan for the first time for 12 days and wish to explore th...
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  • When to buy ticketsnsalo

    Hi there, I am planning on buying the 21 day rail pass. I will be travelling from Narita airpor...
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  • Tokyo (3 day)mandy

    Hi, we will be in Tokyo for 3 days, itinerary as follows, please kindly assist to advice which ra...
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  • Where to spend last day of 14 day trip?Kian

    I am trying to decide where to spend 1 last day of my trip. (Nov 11th below? I'll use a 14 day ...
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  • Best arrangement (Tokyo-Osaka-Kyoto-Osaka-Tokyo)len23susara

    Hi there! I’m planning to go to Japan from 8-17 Nov 2013 and my itinerary is provided below. Wha...
    11 年多前
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