  • Hokkaido using the JR PassSiuYel

    Hi there, My partner and I are planning to travel from Tokyo to Hokkaido in early October on the...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • MrJames

    Hi Takeshi, I have to catch a train from Kansai airport to Gifu hasima and keeping in mind the ...
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    接近 11 年
  • Green Or Ordinary Passgellescas

    I am travelling to japan may 9- 17, 2014 with my family - six persons total. my itinerary : Rou...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Which jr pass and when to activatefj

    Greetings, firstly thankyou for such a helpful site! Not sure whether to get 1,2 or 3 week pass a...
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    接近 11 年
  • Narita ExpressAlex

    I will be traveling in Japan for two weeks in May and will purchase a JR 7-days pass as usual. I...
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    接近 11 年
  • golden weekgen

    hi were going to osaka on april30-may3 then kyoto for may3-4 then tokyo for may4-7, do you sugges...
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    接近 11 年
  • Will it be worth it to buy the JR passMara

    Dear Daniel, My itinerary for japan is like this: Narita - Tokyo (otsuka station) - Kyoto - a da...
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    接近 11 年
  • Ordinary JR Pass francislac

    Hi Daniel-san, My family of 6 will be visiting Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto and Hiroshima from 10 to 16 ...
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    接近 11 年
  • Itinerary and JR Rail PassMarilu

    Is it possible to use a 7 day rail pass from Osaka to Matsumoto to Tateyama (Murodo) to Kanazawa ...
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    接近 11 年
  • 7 day JR passJwong

    Hello, Our itinerary in Japan for 9 May is: D1 arrive morning in Tokyo D2 D3 Tokyo D4 Tokyo to H...
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    接近 11 年
  • 14days JR Pass or 7days JR Hokkaido Pass?mabel.mingkin

    Hi! We will be visiting Japan for a period of 13 days, 21/4 - 3/5. I am wondering which pass shou...
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    接近 11 年
  • Tokyo with twinsDialaw

    Hi appreciate some advice as to which mode of transport and whether jr passes are needed. We are ...
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    接近 11 年
  • No attendant at the train station? nileod

    What should I do if there is no attendant at the train station to show my JR Pass? I don't want t...
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    接近 11 年
  • 10 mins time to change train, enough ?Erica Lui

    Hi, everyone, I booked the JR Tickets below: 1) Morioka - Shin-Aomori (1537 - 1643) and Shin-Ao...
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    接近 11 年
  • Kyoto to Kanazawa, Takayama to Hakone (Odawara)paddibrown

    Hi We are activating our 14 day JR pass tomorrow 7th April. Have booked Shibuya to Osaka and can ...
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    9 年多
  • Keiser Skyliner + 2 days metro subwayrej

    Hi, I will be in Narita Airport on may, 8th, 2014 and I want to go at my hotel at Asakusabashi ...
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    接近 11 年
  • JR Kanto Area PassGeokLeng

    Hi, I would want my children to experience Shinkansen using Kanto Area Pass. We will be staying...
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    接近 11 年
  • Best and cheapest way to travel from Osaka to Tottoriekihel1959

    I´m travelling with my daughter in the area of Kansai in the beginning of June. We are planning t...
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    接近 11 年
  • JR pass and best train routes to takekengchow

    Hi Am travelling to Japan this May and my tentative schedule are as follows:- 1. Tokyo to Kyoto o...
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    接近 11 年
  • Do I need to buy Hokkaido Railway Pass? Blueberryprincess

    Hi, I'll be travelling to Hokkaido in late April, below is my itinerary. Would you give me some a...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年


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