  • Should we buy JR pass for child under 5 years old?Thao0505*

    Hi! My family has2 adults and 2 children. One is 8 years old an one is 3 years old. If i buy JR p...
    接近 11 年前
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    4 年多
  • Shin Osaka to KinosakiColin L

    Hi I will be travelling from Shin Osaka to Kinosaki (Mikuniya Onsen) There after I will move from...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Traveling from Ibusuki to Kurokawa onsen near Mt. Aso in Kyushuyethein

    Hi there, Need some help, using my JR pass, how would I travel from Ibusuki to Kurokawa onsen on ...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Worth JR pass or use an alternative route....sanjurogirl

    Travelling throughout Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Will be going back and forth from Osaka to Kyoto....
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • how to go to hitachi seaside park and kamikochi from tokyo?yuskater

    hi, i'm going to japan on late april i have limited time there so i want to make the most of my t...
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    接近 11 年
  • Left baggageJunfan

    Hi.. What is time limit to take back ur baggar If u forgot or left it?
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Rail Pass Cheaper in the States?nataliemeah

    I am in the US & I was told if I buy the "rail pass" in the states its cheaper vs buying when...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • should I get JR pass for this itinerary?bms

    Traveling as 2 adults and 1 child on the following 7-day itinerary and wondering if JR pass is wo...
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    接近 11 年
  • Japan rail pass coverageMai

    Does Japan rail Pass cover bullet train from Tokyo to Osaka and opposite. Does it cover all city...
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    9 年多
  • ItineraryBuchun

    Thank you Daniel for your invaluable help so far in building up our itinerary. Sorry to bother yo...
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    接近 11 年
  • tokyo to osaka train stopsk8symaco

    May i know how to get from tokyo to osaka by train? What station should I depart from shinjuku ...
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    接近 11 年
  • 7 day pass a good idea?Brigitte

    We are travelling from Narita to Kamakura 2 nights, on to Takayama and Kanazawa, perhaps to Matsu...
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    接近 11 年
  • Office hour in Osakasuthini

    Dear Sir, My friend found a problem that her flight from Bangkok to Osaka will be delayed about ...
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    接近 11 年
  • 14-DAY PASS WORTH IT?Abbi13

    Hi, 3 of us are planning to travel in June/July. We are unsure whether or not to get the 7-day ...
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    9 年多
  • Is it possible to get a 14 day Rail Pass instead of a 21 day?UCLA

    Hi, This our tentative itinerary : Narita-Osaka on June 7 Osaka - Kyoto on June 10 Kyoto-Tokyo ...
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  • Budgetmimi

    Hi Daniel-san, Sorry to trouble you again. we just realise that JR Pass is a big costly to us, b...
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    接近 11 年
  • Enquiryon JR Passmimi

    Hi, This is our first time to visit Japan and we are looking forward and excited for our trip. O...
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  • Riding the trainanne

    I copied my reply - just in case you do not read the replies - understandable with so many questi...
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    接近 11 年
  • 12 days in Japancmyoon

    Hi, We (two of us) will to travel to Japan in MAY'14 for about 12 days, below is our itinerary, ...
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    接近 11 年
  • HokkaidoThawsing

    Hi, I just return from an enjoyable cherry blossom trip to Nagoya-Hirishima. I wish to plan anoth...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年


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