  • 7-days or 14-days JR PassLillian Cheah

    Hi there! We (2 adults) will be flying in to Hanada Tokyo on 3rd Oct 2014 evening. In Tokyo unti...
    接近 11 年前
    2 回答
    接近 11 年
  • Shinjuku to Nikko. merice107

    I am looking to ride the direct train from Shinjuku to Nikko this June. I see there is a nice tr...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • 7 Days JR PassMichelle Angeline

    Hi, There It is worth to use 7 days JR Pass if We travel : 1. Osaka Kansai Airport to JR Namba 2...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Transportation in Hokkaido (Sapporo)creamtulip

    Hi, I have a family of 8 with 2 elderly and 2 young children arriving in New Chitose Airport on ...
    接近 11 年前
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    10 年多
  • Tokyo, Kyoto and side tripslauralowden

    Hello, we are a family of 5 (kids are 13,15, and 17 years) travelling to Japan in June/July 2014....
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • When to activate? Cookietan2000

    Arriving Narita airport Jun 1 Staying in Tokyo till jun 5 Going to Kyoto June 5 till 9 Will visit...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Exchange vs activateriedeles

    I will be traveling to Japan for work and plan to spend an extra week traveling on vacation after...
    接近 11 年前
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    大约 8 年
  • Osaka use of JR Passjasssie

    Hi, I was wondering what the stations I'll be able to access with my 7 day JR Pass in Osaka? I'm...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • 3 days travelmayam

    Hello, I need a 3 days train ticket - can I buy it or 7 days is my only minimum option? Thanks, M...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Narita anne

    Hi! I was looking at the popular questions and there was one about the Narita express suspended. ...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Osaka-Kyoto (to and fro) - Nara - Tokyo - Hiroshima (9 days trip)Carolpang

    Hi, I'm currently living in Melbourne, Australia and will be doing backpacking with my little br...
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    接近 11 年
  • kyoto, osaka, nagoya and tokyo tripbibingoi

    Hi i am planning to travel alone to japan this coming june about 15 days. I will be arriving at k...
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    接近 11 年
  • 7 day JR Pass or 14 day JR Passangelika

    Hi! I am going to visit Japan for 10 days from August 19 to 29 and I am wondering does it worth ...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • From Miyajima to Tokyo Jasperpippin

    Here is our itinerary. I'm worried about the last day - travelling back from Miyajima to Tokyo in...
    接近 11 年前
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    5 年多
  • Green car ticketsmuumipeikko

    Hi, in case we purchase Green class tickets do we have to always have a seat reservation or are t...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Chubu Centrair to Osaka to Nagoyahyuuhajime

    Good day! My mom and I will be staying in Japan for 5 nights and 4 days. Our itinerary (for easi...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 5 年
  • Luggage transport Nagoya-Takayamaalfadog

    Hi! We will be travelling between Nagoya to Takayama via Gujo for some Obon festival fun in Augus...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Luggageana elena

    What luggage is permited to travel in the trains?
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Japan Trip September 2014 kouri1979

    Hello We are planing a 3 weeks trip to Japan in September. Our plan is finished yet, but it will...
    接近 11 年前
    4 回答
    10 年多
  • Hiroshima to Numazulukutusnz

    Hello there. A friend and I will be arriving in Japan next week (29 May). We have purchased JR p...
    接近 11 年前
    2 回答
    接近 11 年


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