  • is JRPass needed for myJapan trip Itinerary gunawan

    Hi, we will travel to Japan from 20June - 29June. we've bought 7 days JR pass. i would like to a...
    10 年多前
    2 回答
    10 年多
  • 10 days Japan[email protected]

    Hi, Is this a feasable itinary? Is it worth buying the JR-pass for this? 9/6: arrival in Tokyo...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Kyoto to Narita AirportJacquie

    My friends and I will be in Japan in October. My friend is leaving 4 days earlier than me and my...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • 6 Days in Japan - Narita -> Tokyo -> Osaka -> Kyoto -> Tokyo -> N...ronaldmojica

    Hi guys, I want to know if this is possible, I will be getting JR Pass for 7 days. It will be l...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Overnight Luggage Store at Kyoto Station?msab

    Hi, I am planning to stay in Japan for a month. While using Kyoto as a base I was thinking of ta...
    10 年多前
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    接近 9 年
  • Osaka/Kyushu/Kyoto/Tokyo LillyVon

    Hello! First of all, thanks in advance for helping me out! I am hoping you will help me with my...
    接近 11 年前
    6 回答
    10 年多
  • Reservationsjanvic

    We will be traveling to Japan between the 24th December 2014 and 11th January 2015. Will we need ...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Is it worthwhile for me to get the JR Pass with this itinerary?mug_ping

    Hi, I will be travelling in Japan for approximately 10 full days, with the following itinerary: ...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • 28 Days in Japan lilimichael

    Hi, We are travelling to Japan for 28 days and are trying to choose the best options to cover ou...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Tokyo-Nagano-Kyoto-OsakaNewton Yang

    Hi, I would like to seek your advice on a suitable JR pass for my proposed itinerary as follows:...
    接近 11 年前
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    大约 8 年
  • Is The JR Pass A Worthwhile Investment For Me?Lev

    Hi! My girlfriend and I plan to visit Japan in July between the 9th and 14th of July this year, ...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • 7-day or 14-day passJRB

    Hello, I am planning to depart Tokyo on June 17 and follow this itinerary over a two-week period...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • help on travel plans sam44

    Hi i have decided on a trip to japan last minute as i just had 2 months become free for me with w...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Can I use Haruka Pass on JR Kansai Airport Rapid Service?kohpsz

    For my return leg to Kansai Airport, I will begin from JR Universal City. Hyperdia routes includ...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • JR Kanto Passsaisailub

    Hi Hi, I am traveling to Japan in December for 5 days. I am wondering how does the Kanto Pass w...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Re : Osaka - Toyko - OsakaPE

    I had bought 7 days JR pass for my next week Japan trip. I am planning to travel by Shinkansen fr...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Which pass should we get?lilf4ntasy

    Hi, We are travelling to Japan on the 12th july for 11 days and I was wondering which pass would ...
    接近 11 年前
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    10 年多
  • JR Pass for this itinerary?asdaporn

    Hello We are a group of 6 and our itinerary is as follows: <h2>In Sapporo:</h2> 6 ...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Is the JRP usefull with this travel plan?KimBlewanus

    Hallo, I am traveling to Japan with this plan, is it usefull and cheaper to get the JRP? Tokio ...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年
  • Where can i buy JR pass?ileanayep

    Hello, i'm from México and i'm already in Japan. Where can i buy the JR pass? for 7 days. I'm thi...
    接近 11 年前
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    接近 11 年


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