  • Visit to Japan from 4th August to 16th of AugustLaura

    Hi I am planning to visit Japan from the 4th of Aug to 16th Aug. Will arrive on the 4th and be t...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • About the ICOCA Cardhyuuhajime

    Hi! I just want to ask if there is any way I can check the remaining balance on the ICOCA card m...
    10 年多前
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    大约 9 年
  • Tokyo to Osaka with Luggage?gibsonaxxxs

    Hi there, Just wondering how hard it would be to travel from Tokyo to Osaka with standard-sized ...
    10 年多前
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    5 年多
  • I always can take a train?mlamoraga

    Hello again! Thank you for your time and your help. I have a doubt about de functioning of the J...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Purchase date and start date of JR Passknakano1

    I plan to purchase 2 different PASSES. One is a 3 day Kanto JR Pass for travel from Narita to Kar...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • 9 days trip (Business cum leisure)janice168

    I am planning for a trip in Sep and would like to cover this few cities: 6 Sep - Nagoya (arri...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • JR Kansai Pass for Osaka > Kyoto > Nara > Kobe > Mt Fuji (not cfm...Carolpang

    Hi, Can I just purchase one JR west Kansai pass and travel around these areas ? And Could I ask...
    10 年多前
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    9 年多
  • Best Way to Travel Around These Places?gibsonaxxxs

    Hi, I'm planning to start out in Kyoto and end my travel near Narita Airport, but in-between stop...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Cancellationcheyenneallenby

    I just ordered the rail pass and we are leaving Tuesday at noon from New Jersey. The tickets have...
    10 年多前
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  • Jr-7 or 14 days ?Hanw

    Good morning, We are couple with 2 children. We will stay at japan 11 days at July. We will stay ...
    10 年多前
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  • Can I exchange my exchange order into the JRPass days after my ar...mlamoraga

    I want to get a 14-days JRPass, but I will in Japan during 20 days (in my first days I will be in...
    10 年多前
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  • Which JR Passkasismart

    I will be traveling to Japan in July. On the 12th I will be arriving to Narita then going to the ...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Bullet TrainMike1

    Does the 7 days rail pass cover riding the Bullet Trains also?
    10 年多前
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  • Exiting stations with JR passOMalley27

    Hello, I've been to Japan before, but this will be my first time traveling to Kyoto so I need to...
    10 年多前
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  • Tokyo-Nagano-Osaka-TokyoBandit23

    Hi! I am confused with the JR system, can you please help? I would like to travel from Tokyo to N...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Narita January 1 marko

    Does January 1 at Narita Airport can be activated jr pass and operating exchange money?
    10 年多前
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  • Kansai Airport - Kyoto - Hakone - Osakastitch

    Hi, I am planning to visit Japan. May I check what is the transportation or routine like for my ...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • 15 Day Trip Planned for End of JulyFlavacraze

    I purchased the 14-day JRPass. I have never been to Japan before... Here is my itinerary thus fa...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • 7 day versus 14 day? Is JR pass worthwhile in Fukuoka area and su...teamtu

    We will be in Japan for a total of 11 days. We fly into Fukuoka on July 22nd. We will stay in the...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka-Tokyo-Tokyo Disney Sea-Ski Putri Letitiya

    Hi, My name is Putri. I want to ask about my Itinerary when I go to Japan. My flight will be arr...
    10 年多前
    1 回答
    10 年多


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