  • 2 weeks itinerary: Tokyo-Kyoto-Koyasan-Osaka-Tokyo with day tripsDaan vh

    Hi, In September me and my brother are going to Japan. This is our travel schedule: 08/09: arri...
    10 年多前
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  • Getting around within citieschasluv

    Hello, I am trying to determine if the 14 day pass is the best way to go. I will be in Japan for...
    10 年多前
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    Hi We will be arriving 3 April 2015 in Tokyo 23h00 and will be staying in Shinjuku close to the ...
    10 年多前
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  • Purchasing the JR Pass from Beijing, Chinavitraamy

    Hello, I want to purchase a JR pass and I live in Beijing, China. When placing an order for the ...
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  • 7 days trip frm narita-Tokyo-kyoto-hokaneViviansoh

    Hi, Would like to know if it wil worth to buy JR rail PASS if we would stay 3 nights in Tokyo a...
    10 年多前
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  • Understanding the rail system in Japankaren

    Hi Daniel, We’ve now confirmed our itinerary as follows: Day 1: Nagoya Chubu International airp...
    10 年多前
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  • 13 Day Itinerary - Novemberjjjoy

    Hello all, I was hoping for some feedback on my itinerary. I'm planning my honeymoon in Japan in...
    10 年多前
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  • Understanding the timetablesbrandip

    Hi, My family and I are planning on traveling to Japan at the end of August. We are flying into...
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  • tokyo - koyasanalee

    hello, ill be travelling next month from tokyo to koyasan then nara, kyoto, back to tokyo and ma...
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  • From Nikko to Tsurunoyu through Matsushimatasta

    Hi! Is it a crazy idea to stop in Matsushima on the way to Tsurunoyu? I'll be travelling in the e...
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  • Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto-Tokyotobyhuang

    Hi there, seeking for your opinion for my trip, from osaka to tokyo, below are my plan (total 9 ...
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  • Osaka - Kobe - Tokyo - Hakone - Nagano - Kyoto - Osakamichwsl

    Hi! I trying to plan an itinerary for 7 people (6 adults, 1 child) and am looking at a variety o...
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  • Lost Japan Rail Exchange VoucherLuci2011

    Hi, I lost my Japan Rail Exchange Voucher during my travels (I have not reached Japan yet). I am...
    10 年多前
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  • 7 day pass adviseable considering our itinerary?Perina

    Hello, We are a group of 7 people traveling to Japan from Canada --- 4 adults and 3 children (ag...
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  • 7 or 14 day pass?xdaybydayx

    i'm torn whether to get the 7 or 14 day pass - i realise i am spending alot of time in tokyo but ...
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  • Is it advisable to buy a JRPass?Jaymsdg

    Hi, We are going to Japan on September 3-10. We will arrive in Osaka and we have plans to go to...
    10 年多前
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  • Nagoya to Tokyonhawa81

    I'm planning to visit Japan from 28th November to 3rd Dec 2014. My flight will arrive in Nagoya. ...
    10 年多前
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  • 15 Day Itinerary angiiiee7

    Hi I would like to check if this itinerary is suitable for using the JR 7 day pass? Day 1> Ar...
    10 年多前
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  • Assagay to Ryogokurustica

    Can I get a direct train on the Chou line between these stations
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  • Seek your opinion on my itineraryLillian Cheah

    Daniel san, My partner and I will be visiting Japan as follows: We fly into Tokyo and fly out fr...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多


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