  • The JR passlala

    I want to travel from Tokyo to Nikko (spend 1 nights), then Hakone (spend 3 nights), and finally...
    10 年多前
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  • go to Suntory museumsanny

    Hello JR Team, I want to ask you a question regarding my visit to suntory museum osaka next week...
    10 年多前
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  • Which pass if any is best for me? Flats82

    Hi, I will be flying into Japan for 7 days on 9th -august and my itinerary is roughly as follows:...
    10 年多前
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  • Travel on 18 August 2014swb1234

    Hello I am arriving into Tokyo Narita airport on 18 August at 7.30am. I will be activating my JR...
    10 年多前
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  • What are some ways I can travel from Hokkaido down to Tokyo?freestyle_680440

    We are planning to spend about a week in Japan. However, it seems we won't need to spend a lot of...
    10 年多前
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  • Passes to use for Japan itinerary kitkat

    I would like to have your advise on what are the best train passes to use for the following itine...
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    10 年多
  • Kansai-Osaka-Tokyo-Kyoto-Nara-Kyoto-Kansai = (11 days) with kids ...Simon

    What would be the best train passes to purchase? We are traveling with 2 young kids, 1 year and 4...
    10 年多前
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    9 年多
  • Using the JR 7 days passtheresayuen

    I plan to take tour to the following cities and want to know if I can use the jr pass Oct 3 - fr...
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  • Osaka to Hiroshimafdrchan

    Hi, I will be travelling to Japan for about 2 weeks in December. I have been to the Kansai regio...
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  • My itinerary plan for travelling in JapanHuyen Vo

    My itinerary plan for travelling in Japan as following: Day 1: arrive Narita aiport,transfer to T...
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  • Rail pass use effective for 12 daysvenkatesh_yalavarthi

    Hi, My Itinerary to Japan as follows: Day 1) Airport to Shin-Osaka (May use BUS) Day 2) Miyajim...
    10 年多前
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  • Kansai Wide PassCarolpang

    Hi, I would be traveling to these places in the next few days. Day 1: Arrival Osaka at night Da...
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  • tokyo nikkosgiordan

    I bougth the JR pass. which is the best way to reach Nikko from kyoto? how long does it take?how ...
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  • Which pass would be worth getting?cwalker13

    Hello there, I will be traveling in Japan from August 10-16, 2014. I am wondering which pass, or...
    10 年多前
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  • Need basic questions answered please savetpet

    Hello! My boyfriend and I are arriving in Tokyo on August 21st and are very excited for the trip!...
    10 年多前
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  • Obon - Green or Ordinary?Perina

    Thank you Daniel! So you think despite Obon season, Ordinary should be ok as long as we reserve....
    10 年多前
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  • Osaka to Sapporokkmg

    Hi, we are planning a trip to explore other cities besides Tokyo. We have read that to get from O...
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  • My final Itinerarydwarfy0505

    Can you help to see if my 7 day JR pass is effective for this itinerary, using the shinkansen as ...
    10 年多前
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  • Is the rail pass worth it?MartinKJarrett

    Hi guys. My fiance, brother, sister in law and myself are going to Japan in September and we hav...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • What os the best choice?Portuguesecouple

    Hello, Me and my boyfriend are doing a trip to Japan but we are on a budget. So I would Like to ...
    10 年多前
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