  • Narita airport, Tokyo, kyoto and osakajaslynsunshine

    Hi, I will be traveling to Japan this coming Oct and there are 3 places that i would like to visi...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • JR one day tokyo passmel_soesilo

    Hello, I will be in Japan for 20 days, planning 6 days in Tokyo and the rest 14 days all around ...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • icoca and haruka passshioli

    Hi, I am going to Japan in Nov 14, shall i use the icoca and haruka pass for Kansai International...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • JR Pass - Green Carriage (January 2015)leisa

    Hi, I am wanting to buy 2 x 7 day JR rail passes for my partner and I in the green carriage for t...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Going to Wajima with the JRpassDounia

    Hello! I am travelling in Ishikawa in August, and I would like to visit Kanazawa, Nanao and Waji...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Should I buy the JR pass or JR West pass?eha

    Hi, Will like to seek assistance and advice in regards to getting a JR pass. I was initially int...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • JR Pass on Bus/ Bullet trainsnandakj

    Hi, Can the JR pass be used on all bus (Tokyo and Kyoto) and ferry services as well in addition t...
    10 年多前
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  • Weathernandakj

    I, my wife and my niece plan to visit Japan (Tokyo & Kyoto) in end Sept early October. I wan...
    10 年多前
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  • Tokyo > Fujikawaguchiko > Kyoto > Koyasan > Osaka > Tokyotechsassy

    Husband and I are first timers in Japan in September. Just doing an itinerary check to see if the...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Looking to purchase a jrpassAndiBrooke

    Hi My partner and I are traveling to japan in August for 3 weeks, we intend to spend the first an...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • JR rail pass or Regional Passnuthi

    Hi Daniel. Could you please help look to my itenaries for I plan to spend 10 days during December...
    10 年多前
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  • Email ticketsAl

    I am arriving in Japan in 3 days and am not staying in one location. Can you email me the tickets?
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Arriving in Tokyo and going straight to Kyoto during Obon festival pjm2014

    Hello, I will arrive in Tokyo on August 14th around noon and I'm planning to take a train to Kyo...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • osaka-kyoto-nara-tokyoplainjune

    Hi! Am travelling to osaka & tokyo in november with my family: 2 adults & 4 children. B...
    10 年多前
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  • Is i'm eligible for Jr Pass exchangemayui

    I'm half Thai-Japanese, and i'm having Thai national. So, i bought a Jr Pass already. I already r...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • trip to osakaeileenlahoz

    hi. my husband and i with our four adult children will be in Japan from November 13 to 20 . We wi...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • From Nagoya to Mt. Fujisilvia-sbra

    Hi, I need to go from Nagoya station to Mt. Fuji (not the city, I mean really the Mt.). How can I...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Shinagawa to haneda apt what s right way with my jrpassuccio

    from shinagawa st. to haneda apt can i use my jrpass for a short trip ?? many thx
    10 年多前
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    10 年多
  • Travel from Osaka - Kyoto - Takayamalilian

    I will be travelling to Japan in December for the first time for a week. My plan is to travel fro...
    10 年多前
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    接近 5 年
  • Narita Airport-Osaka-Fujisan-Tokyodancerulez12

    Hi, me and my husband will be travelling to Japan for honeymoon from 30th December 2014 to 9th Ja...
    10 年多前
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    10 年多


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