  • Travel in Japanclaire

    Hi, due to arrive in Tokyo on the 17th April but trying to decide if the trip should be postpone...
    接近 14 年前
    2 回答
    接近 14 年
  • Japan Rail service, 24nd MarchLui

    Summary Japan Rail is now running a generally normal service now in most areas with many sleep...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • can I go from Tokyo to Kyoto and Hiroshima now?angiex

    Hi - I had a trip planned from Tokyo going west to Osaka and Kyoto (etc). Are the bullet trains r...
    接近 14 年前
    2 回答
    接近 14 年
  • Japan Rail service, 23nd MarchLui

    Summary Japan Rail is now running a generally normal service now in most areas. While the JR-E...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • Japan Rail service update (19th March)Lui

    Summary JR East general reduction in bullet and non bullet train lines. JR-East Tokyo to Nasu...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • Japan Rail service update (18th March)Lui

    Summary JR East general reduction in bullet and non bullet train lines. JR-East Tokyo to Nasu...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • Japan Rail service update (17th March)Lui

    Summary JR East general reduction in bullet and non bullet train lines. JR-East Tokyo to Nasu...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • Bullet train updates on twitterLui

    If you would like to get the most updated bullet train information, please follow JR bullet train...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • Japan Rail service update (16th March)Lui

    Summary JR East general reduction in bullet and non bullet train lines. JR-East Tokyo to Nasu...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • Getting from and to Narita: JR Sobu Line Rapid Train "Airport Nar...Lui

    Please note that this was posted in 2011 and is long outdated. It was posted during the Tohoku Ea...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 2 年
  • Getting from and to Naritamari

    Transportation around Tokyo is currently running a reduced service. Here is our current advice on...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • Japan Rail service update (15th March)mari

    Summary JR East general reduction in bullet and non bullet train lines. JR-East Tokyo to Nasu...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • Information pleasehelp_please

    Our mother and baby sister are in shirakawa shi. Is the shinkansen service up already from Shin-s...
    接近 14 年前
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    接近 14 年
  • AomoriDeirdremason

    Our hearts are with the people of Japan at this time. How do I find out when the Aomori Shinkanse...
    大约 14 年前
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    大约 14 年
  • Japan Rail service update (13th & 14th March)mari

    Japan Rail has started to operate trains across Japan again yesterday (12th March, 2011), includi...
    大约 14 年前
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    接近 5 年
  • Emergency telephone numbersmari

    As you may have already heard, North-Eastern Japan has been affected by an earthquake and Tsunami...
    大约 14 年前
    2 回答
    10 年多
  • Acquisto e consegna velocissimi!!maurizio.panasiti

    Il miglior sito per l'acquisto del JRPass. In 2 giorni ho fatto tutto: acquisto e consegna in 48 ...
    大约 14 年前
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    大约 14 年
  • Hayabusa in March?angiex

    We're thinking of going up north while we were in Japan this month, I know the JR Pass is valid o...
    大约 14 年前
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    大约 14 年
  • First Classgbarlow54

    Is it worth it - Why ???? If you have a First Class Pass and ther is no First Class sea...
    大约 14 年前
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    7 年多
  • 14 or 21 days?aita

    I'm sorry, this question has surely been asked 100 times before, but I couldn't just find an answ...
    大约 14 年前
    1 回答
    大约 14 年


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