Shibuya Sky:未来的天文台

Shibuya Sky:未来的天文台

Rising 229 meter tall and overlooking Shibuya scramble crossing, this observatory is the latest must visit in Tokyo. Learn what to do at Shibuya Sky, what to do there, ticket prices and access todays.

Shibuya Sky is a full 360 degree observatory overlooking Shibuya and the greater Tokyo skyline, what more its one of the most futuristic places in Tokyo and a must-visit for your Japan Instagram heed.


Shibuya Sky consists of four floors, starting on the 14th level, visitors are welcomed in the “Sensing Hall” and made ready to take the sky pods up to the 45th level.

From the 45th floor, take the sky escalator up to the 46th floor to access the Sky Gallery. Here visitors go through a series of interactive experiences, the first is the time river, followed by the parallel windows and finally the data scape. After the interactive experiences, sit down at the café and bar to enjoy the view.

This is only the beginning though, as the best part on the 46th level is still to come.

Glass stairs take the visitor to the 46th floor this is the open door Sky stage, the 360 degree observatory over Tokyo. Here too engaging experiences are to be had, including the Geo compass, Crossing light, Cloud Hammock and finally the Sky Edge, how cool is that?

Video preview

Trust us, it’s better when you’re there but get a quick look of what it’s like here.

Tickets for Shibuya Sky

Tickets can be purchased online or over the counter. Ticket prices are as follows:

Over the counter:
Adult 2000yen
Child 1000yen

Adult 1800yen
Child 900yen

Tickets are purchased for a set timeslot and must be used on time. Online tickets and reservations can be made here.

Access to Shibuya Sky

Shibuya Sky is adjacent directly to Shibuya station and easy to reach using the JR Yamanote line. Once at the station, take exit B6 and you can’t miss it.

All picture © by Kakidai / Wiki commons under CC 04 licence.

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