• Kyoto Area day tripsListo34

    Hello and thank you in advance for your help! We will be staying In Kyoto for 5 nights. We will b...
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  • 12 Days in Japanjmaperth

    Hi - with the follwing itinerary would it be worth purcahsing a JR Pass, there will be two of us....
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  • BarrettBarrettsleeman

    What to do if I don't receive my Japan rail pass by FedEx before I leave for Japan?
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  • Can I book the trains we want to take in advance?carolinacg

    Dear JRPass team, Some friends have told us we could book already the trains we are thinking of ...
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  • JRPasshdemmis12

    Can I use the Jrpass from Tokyo to Hiroshima??
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  • Nationwide Japan Rail Passropsrivastava

    HI this pass covers Tokyo East-South Hokkaido
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  • Do i need a visa to purchase and use the JR pass?jaden byerley

    Im going on a trip to japan with a few buddies next month and we were planning on buying our pass...
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    5 meses
  • How to activate Fuji-Shizuoka pass and use it to take buses?hayashi.lin

    Hello. I have already bought a Fuji-Shizuoka pass. My plan is to go to Shimizu Port first and the...
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    5 meses
  • How do you request tickets with oversized baggage?emchugh

    I see that you can do this and some have baggage restrictions! Is there a way I can do this in ad...
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    5 meses
  • JRPass plus NOZUMI plus Reserved seatBBH

    Can I activate my JRPass and at the same time purchase THREE NOZUMI supplements and make a seat r...
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  • JR Pass or Individual Ticketscamparisoda

    Hi, I'm arriving in japan next week and will stay for 14 days. Our itinerary looks like this righ...
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    5 meses
  • Taking two PassesNils Treguier

    Hello, I am thinking about taking two regional passes for the same region, which I would activ...
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  • Should we buy the 7 days JR Pass? Tokyo - Kyoto - Osaka roudtripEvandroL

    We're planning to do 14 days in Japan. Tokyo -> Kyoto (May 5th) Kyoto -> Osaka (May 8th - ...
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  • National or Regional Pass?stickerbush

    We will be travelling to Japan April 23 - May 2. Our travel is limited and I don't think the pass...
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  • Mrs[email protected]

    HI, I am visiting Japan for 3 weeks in September and I am contemplating to purchase the 14 day r...
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  • Odawara to kyoto[email protected]

    Hi We are trying to book a train from odawara on the 1st may. But keep getting an error message. ...
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  • Hokkaido Rail PassAzicht01

    Hello! I was wondering what is the best way to get the Hokkaido Rail Pass when I'm already in Jap...
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  • PriceJacques Boukai

    How much is a jr pass from Tóquio to Kioto in American dollars by Shinkansen?
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  • Seating options: Gran Class and Green CarRitzy512

    Hi, Is it possible to purchase a JR Pass alone, and to add the seating options (Green Car /Gran...
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  • Does regional pass include in-city trains/specific metro lines? H...Tiria

    Hello, me and my friends are travelling to Japan in May, starting with Tokyo and going through K...
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