• JR pass or otherNinaB

    Hello, I am not sure if I need to purchase the JR tourist pass. I will be travelling in Japan ...
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  • JR PassJCB

    I will be in Japan from June 10th to June 19th. I want to get 7 days JR Pass. How can I activate ...
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  • Do we need a jp railpass?elkebotje

    We arrive at narita and then travel to Tokio 4 days later we travel to Mount Fuji Next day to Mat...
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  • Mrmanohars

    What Metro and subway lines in Tokyo are covered with the JR pass?
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  • Incorrect first nameTom Wyatt

    My friend had ordered our JR passes. On the coupon it has my first name as Tom but my name on Pas...
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  • Using JR passbhavesh

    Do you deliver JR pass in India? JR Pass activation process? How to book online ticket before ac...
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  • Sanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way TicketEileen L

    Hi, I read on the JR-West website that there is a Sanyo Shinkansen Discounted One Way Ticket that...
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  • Booking Shinkansen seatsDado

    Hi. I'll be visiting Japan from 25 February to 7 March. I have bought four JR Passes for me and m...
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  • Pass or individual ticketsDFCH

    Good Morning, I'll be going with my kids (19 and 10 yrs old) to Japan in july. We are thinking a...
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  • Is it a good idea to get a 21-day pass?jekodama

    Hi! We're traveling for 23 days from March 17th to April 8th and plan to spend 6 days in Tokyo, 1...
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  • Is it worth buying JR pass for the following itinerarymail2sujitdas

    Hi , Planning to visit Japan from 22nd to 1st April Tokyo: 5 N Takayama: 1 N Kyoto: 2 N Osaka: 1...
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  • Question for Jr passFotaras7!

    Hi there I bought two jrpasses today and paid for them. However I haven't received any confirmati...
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  • Buy supplement Nozomi Shinkansen TicketAlquimim

    I will be travelling to japan next week and i’ve bought an Hokuriku Arch Pass as i want to visit ...
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  • JR-Pass Confusion for ItineraryNane

    Hello, i struggle to find out, if we would profit from a JR-Pass in our travels, and if so, which...
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  • Online reseervationssntregka

    How can i reserve my seats online using a JR pass two months before arriving to Japan? Please help!
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  • Going from Hakata to MojikoMichael wong

    Can I use the north Kyushu pass to go from hakata to Kokurakita and mojiko?
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  • first time visitor to Japanduxmother

    hi we are travelling from Haneda airport to Sendai, on May 8th from Tokyo to Osaka on 24th May. I...
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  • Itinerary[email protected]

    Good morning! Please, I need an information about the best kind of pass should we have to buy. ...
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  • 2 weeks itineraryIrit

    My itinerary for 2 weeks is as the following: 24/3 Tokyo - Hakone 25/3 Hakone - Matsumoto 26/3 Ma...
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  • Travelling to Niseko from TokyoSEM

    Was wondering if a JR pass would be worth it for our visit to Japan in March.? We are landing at ...
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