• 14-day pass? & best way into Tokyo w/o a JR PassMollydan

    We are travelling to Japan from 25 July to 9 August and are wondering how to manage our JR Pass. ...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 5 years
  • non JR travel in Tokyo, Osaka & Kyotoakr

    Hello, I plan to arrive in Tokyo, travel to Kyoto and take my flight back from Osaka in 7 days. ...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 5 years
  • 7 Day pass valid on JR subway lines and shinkansen and can be act...gummybear

    Hi! I'm traveling to Tokyo for 10 days but planning on going to Niigata the second to last day. C...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • Wakayama Line and Best use of jr pass to HakoneLike

    Hi, I want to ask again. Can I use the JR pass for wakayama line? How to go from osaka to hakone...
    há quase 13 years
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    mais de 11 anos
  • Help planning a 14 day rail pass tripBetty

    I would appreciate your advice about whether we should purchase 14 day JR Rail Passes. We arriv...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • 12-13 days in Japan - 7 day JR Pass & metro card?mzbee

    I am traveling to Japan in Sept and debating if I should get the JR for 7 days or and get the met...
    há quase 13 years
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    mais de 12 anos
  • Travel from Tokyo to Kyotormcfarland

    I will be traveling from Tokyo to Kyoto on June 28 and returning to Tokyo on July 1. I am having ...
    há quase 13 years
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  • Nozomi, Mizuho, Hikari, Sakura & Kodama validity checkOkisan

    We are still trying to understand how this rail pass works and where and to what extent it can be...
    há quase 13 years
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    4 meses
  • Using JR Pass in Tokyobheemesh

    hi,i am planing to visit tokyo 15 june, I purchased 14 days jr pass with my familly of 3. This i...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • Tokyo, Yokosuka, Fuji & Kyoto with JR Passjosodo17

    Hi, I'm planning a trip to Japan during the last 2 weeks of June. I was contemplating on purchas...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 5 years
  • 15 days trip advicemia

    Hello. I'm planning to go to Japan from July 1 though 15 and I'm thinking to get JR Pass, but I'...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • Rail pass with work visacigreig

    I will be entering Japan in June with a one year work visa. Am I still eligible to use the Japan...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • Delivery speeds to Sydney, Australia?guanhui85

    How long will it take for JR Passes to be delivered to Sydney, Australia if I purchase them tomor...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • Is JR Pass for me in Kansai?Pinky

    My husband and I are going to Osaka and Kyoto for 10 days next week. We will be first travelling ...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • 16 days and Mt Fujijohncairns

    Hi, I'm travelling to Japan at the end of July with my partner and I'm trying to work out if it i...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • Hokkaido (Hakodate) to Tokyoandrew

    Need some advice, Will be traveling to Hokkaido and had not finalize the itinerary within Hokkai...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • Tokyo - Kyoto - Hiroshima and more, in 14 dayscolpam

    I am visiting Japan in July, and might use the JR pass for the following trips, within 14 days - ...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • Kansai and Hokkaido valid with JR Pass?bart.vandewiele

    Hi, I'm planning a trip to visit the Kansai area and Hokkaido, during a total of 3 weeks. I am j...
    há quase 13 years
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    quase 13 years
  • JRPass useful + best place to see Mt FujiBIGHANK

    Hi, I wanted to buy the JR PASS for one week. We did this several times before but covered a lot...
    há quase 13 years
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    mais de 12 anos
  • Best use advice and Kawaguchiko with a JR Pass?Like

    Hallo, I have a plan to travel to Japan with below itinerary : 19 Dec 12 - 20 Dec 12 : Kansai Ai...
    há quase 13 years
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    mais de 8 anos

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