Bestel uw JRPass
Pinar Celik
Pinar Celik
ongeveer 2 maanden geleden
1 antwoord

Hello, We would like to visit Japan, with my Husband and 1 son. We will start from Osaka and will take the train and go to Kyoto, and visit templates ad places around Kyoto, and Nara, and come back to Kyoto. Afterwards we will go to Hiroshima. Afterwards, we will go to Mijamima island, And then we will go to Tokyo. In tokyo, we will go to Hakone, and sight visits around Tokyo. And Fuji, And finally, in 15 days, we will travel back from Tokyo, Which is more convenient, to buy indivuals tickets or JR pass? thank you

148 post
ongeveer één maand geleden


For your itinerary, I would recommend using regional passes such as the Kansai-Hiroshima Area Pass or the Kansai Area Pass.

These passes offer unlimited travel within the specific region, which aligns well with your planned destinations. You can use individual tickets for the rest of your journey.

I hope this helps!

Kind Regards,


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