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Trip from Osaka to Narita Airport

ongeveer één jaar geleden
1 antwoord


We organize a trip to Japan and our returning flight is on April 13th at 17:10 from Narita Airport.

We are wondering if it is OK to travel directly from Osaka on April 13th, in order to arrive at the Narita airport around midday (say around 12:00-13:00).

1- Is there a direct fast train between Osaka main station and Narita Airport? (we will be travelling with the JRPass)
2. In any case, how long is the trip normally by the fast train and are delays common in this route?
3. In general: would you recommend the direct trip the same day? Or would it be better to arrange staying the night before in Tokyo?

Thanks a lot for your help!

BR, G.

1229 post
ongeveer één jaar geleden

Hi there,

The Tokaido Shinkansen services will take approximately 2hrs15minutes from Osaka to Tokyo, so this should be fine. The shinkansen doesn't go directly to Narita, but from Tokyo Station you can take the Narita Express, which will take about an hour. Delays are very uncommon, so the direct trip is definitely doable provided you reserve seats for the correct trains.

Hope this helps!


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