

JRPass.com presents
Our new booking servicefor tourists visiting Japan

Find your perfect place to stay in Japan.

Over 2815 hotels and 1840 ryokans, covering all regions of the Cherry blossom country


Why You Should Visit Futaminoura In Ise

See some of the most impressive attractions in Ise with a visit to the bayside community of Futaminoura, a place of great cultural importance.
Earthquake in JapanEarthquake in Japan

What To Do In Case Of An Earthquake In Japan

Earthquakes in Japan are a common concern and while they are common, there are steps travellers can take to stay safe.
Teahouse Districts of KanazawaTeahouse Districts of Kanazawa

The Teahouse Districts Of Kanazawa

Kanazawa is famous for its history, beauty, and unique Japanese culture. These elements all come together in the city’s three well-preserved teahouse districts: Higashi Chaya, Nishi Chaya, and Kazue Machi.
Japan in JulyJapan in July

Japan In July

From festivals to fireworks, summer in Japan is a wonderful time to visit this beautiful country, especially if you love having fun outdoors.
Pachinko Pachinko

Everything About Pachinko In Japan

Few beyond the borders of Japan have likely heard of pachinko, but this complex game is big business in Japan. A form of gambling that at first glance looks a lot like pinball.
Shugakuin VillaShugakuin Villa

Shugakuin Imperial Villa Where Earth And Sky Meet

Shugakuin Imperial Villa (修学院離宮) in Kyoto is an imperial leisure villa and landscape garden build in the 1700s by Japanese emperor Gomizuno.

Shotengai: The Best Japanese Shopping Streets

Love shopping? You’ll love Japan! Discover Japan’s best shopping streets, from traditional local covered ‘shotengai’ to dazzling high-end boutiques.
Katsura VillaKatsura Villa

Katsura Villa: The Kyoto Imperial Villa

The Imperial Katsura Villa in Kyoto (Katsura Rikyū) is an exceptional example of early 17th-century Japanese architecture and garden design.
A Literary Tour of JapanA Literary Tour of Japan

A Literary Tour Of Japan

Did you know that the world’s first novel was written in Japan in the 11th Century? Welcome to the world of Literary Tourism where Japan is among the world’s leading destinations.
Japan on FilmJapan on Film

Japan On Film

If you’re a film lover and you’re planning a trip to the beautiful, unforgettable and unique country of Japan, there is a huge amount to see and do.



JRPass.com presents
Our new booking servicefor tourists visiting Japan

Find your perfect place to stay in Japan.

Over 2815 hotels and 1840 ryokans, covering all regions of the Cherry blossom country



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