• Getting around Niigata City using the railpassrsonomura

    How can I get from Dormy Inn Niigata (1-7-14 Akashi, Chuo-ku) to the Niigata Port headed for Sado...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
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    24321 vues
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  • JR Pass From Niigata to Ryotsu Port-Sado Island?rsonomura

    Can JR pass be used on ferry from Niigata to Ryotsu Port-Sado Island? Also heard reservations ar...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    9 réponses
    31895 vues
    plus de 4 ans
  • New Shinkansen Schedule Effective April 2011rsonomura

    I am planning to purchase a 7 day pass for our trip in April. Using Hyperdia train schedule, I s...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    3 réponses
    38363 vues
    presque 9 ans
  • Golden week and JR passshazz

    I think I'm going to be travelling in Japan during Golden week this year (yes, great timing I kno...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    1 réponse
    26253 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Are seat reservations free on the shinkansen?ayuko

    I just purchased the JRpass, and have a question regarding the "seat reservation" of Shinkansen. ...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    1 réponse
    24219 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Miyajima ferry and Fuji Five Lakes busfrankie

    Before I purchase either a 7-day pass or a 14-day pass I would like to know if the Japanese Rail ...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    1 réponse
    32157 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • other costs and trains I can useccooper

    Is it posible to use the shinkansen between Naritia Airport and Kyoto. Please let me know any tra...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    1 réponse
    24836 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Tokyo Metro - Pasmo or Suica?eva

    I'll be spending a few days in Tokyo, using the metro. I've seen online that it's probably worth ...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    1 réponse
    29612 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Tokyo Monorail Validtyalex

    Hi, I am going through Haneda airport and I was wondeirng if anyone knew if the JR Pass was valid...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    2 réponses
    41499 vues
    plus de 7 ans
  • Haneda to Sapporo?wong

    my itinerary is as follows:- Day 1 - Haneda airport to Sapporo Day 2 - Sapporo to Otaru Day 3 -...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    5 réponses
    43465 vues
    environ 10 ans
  • Smoking areasimran

    Are there smoking areas on Japanese trains and in Japanese stations? Are the areas on the platform?
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    1 réponse
    35372 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Using the Shinkansen between Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto?apollo

    Can you help confirm if I can use the Shinkansen service from Tokyo to Osaka and Kyoto using the ...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    3 réponses
    129185 vues
    presque 7 ans
  • Lost property - any ideas?Karen

    Hi, I left my scarf on the shinkansen between kyoto and tokyo, it has sentimental value to me and...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    7 réponses
    33349 vues
    presque 9 ans
  • Narita to Mt FujiloriT

    It it possible to go from Narita to Mt Fuji, spend the night there then travel to Fukuoka on the ...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    3 réponses
    36856 vues
    presque 8 ans
  • Is a Japan Rail Pass worth it?bontempi

    I'm going to Japan at the end of this month, and I'm kinda undecided whether a rail pass is going...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    2 réponses
    33473 vues
    plus de 8 ans
  • Naoshima with a Japan Rail Passdiamonddust

    evenin' Me and my friends really want to go to Naoshima island to have a look at the awesome loo...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    2 réponses
    134477 vues
    environ 2 mois
  • Children and Kyoto to Tokyo helphilda

    Hey all, we're travelling with 2 adults and 2 kids (age 3 and 1 years when we travel). How much ...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
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  • OK I'm curious! brandon

    Like the title of this forum says, is it better to start in Tokyo and travel, or travel first and...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
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    26999 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Reserving seats for JRPass holders with normal ticketssan

    I've been living and working in Japan for one year and I know I'm ineligible for the Japan Rail P...
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    1 réponse
    26473 vues
    plus de 13 ans
  • Using the JR Pass on the Tokyo Metrofrancine78

    HI there, Can the jrpass be used on the Tokyo metro? Can it be used on any metro's?
    Il y a plus de 13 ans
    2 réponses
    151888 vues
    24 jours

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