• Furano, Kyoto & Tokyodewi

    Hi... We'll be in Japan from the 23rd March - 5th April 2013 Our itinerary will be: 23 March arri...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    9023 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Limo busash

    We will be arriving at about 11pm at Haneda airport, is there any limo bus available for dropping...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    10998 vues
    presque 5 ans
  • Lockers availabilityash

    Wanted to know if lockers (for suitcases) are available at Haneda airport and what are the charge...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    3 réponses
    13399 vues
    environ 10 ans
  • Japan Multi-City Holiday - Feb 2013Smurf

    Hi there, I will be traveling to Japan with my girlfriend from Jan 28th till the 12th of Feb. We ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    9124 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Do I need a 21 day JR pass?karlosahc

    Hi from Argentina!! We are planning to travel to Japan in 03/2013 with my girlfriend and we are ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    2 réponses
    8653 vues
    presque 5 ans
  • From Kyoto to Tokyo with JR Passimfop@hotmail.com

    I'll make Kyoto-Tokyo by train with JR Pass. Is there any recomendation for an interesting stop o...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    4 réponses
    8424 vues
    presque 5 ans
  • Tokyo-osakashouldercharge

    Hi every one am after a bit of help as i really know very little about japan,and the rail system ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    12148 vues
    presque 5 ans
  • Activating Japan Rail Pass on New Years daymari

    For all those travelling over the New Years period JR has published New Years day opening times f...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    0 réponses
    19459 vues
  • Super Komachivflyer86

    Hi I'm going to Japan in May for the third time in 3 years - I've bought my JR Pass from JRPass....
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    12609 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Narita express and after JR pass expirystefania

    Hi, you already sent me some very good suggestions on JR pass usage some weeks ago, thanks a lot...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    10265 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • which train?traveler

    hi, i'm arriving in haneda dec. 27 at 11p.m. and my final destiny is osaka. which train do i tak...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    7860 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Changing of train in Nagoya stationeddietan

    We are travelling from Tokyo to Takayama, from the train station map, are we going to change trai...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    10339 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • JR Full Moon pass or...johanna

    Dear sir/madam, My husband and i will be visiting Japan for the first time on Marz-April 2013 and...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    8 réponses
    11637 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Cost of reservationTony

    Hey, I was wondering, as long as I buy a 7 day JR pass do I pay extra money for the reservations...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    7310 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • reserving seatsNaomi

    We arrive in Japan on Dec. 26 but won't activate and begin use of the 7-day JR Pass until Dec. 31...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    7657 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Tokyo > Hokkaido > Tokyoifigma

    I'll be visiting Japan between 24 March to 18 April 2013. Between this period, I've allocated 4 d...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    3 réponses
    16193 vues
    plus de 10 ans
  • 13/2/2013 to 19/2/2013 in Tokyoeddietan

    Hi, Can help me to plan my itinenary in Tokyo to Hakone to Takayama back to Tokyo. 13/2 reach T...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    8049 vues
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  • 1st time to Tokyoeddietan

    I will be in Tokyo with my wife on 13/2/2013 to 19/2/2013. We like to plan to travel from tokyo t...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    11013 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Itinerary for Tokyo ;Kanazawa ; Kyoto ; Hakone - "15Jan2013 to 26...shiwei

    Hi ! I will be traveling alone the whole trip and my last stop i planned to reach Tokyo on 25 J...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    4 réponses
    8407 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • 7 or 14 days JR pass?Peters

    Hello, I’m going to japan next year and i have only one question What is better for me 7 days pa...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    3 réponses
    9149 vues
    presque 5 ans

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À partir de 329,00 € pour un pass illimité de 7 jours sur le réseau ferroviaire japonais de Japan Rail
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