• Arrival at Naritaterrybraun

    We have bought Japan Rail Passes. Can you please tell us exactly what to do when we arrive at Na...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    6515 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Naganosbrowning

    Will my 7 day JR pass work from Mt Fijii to Nagano?
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    7315 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Mt Fujiisbrowning

    Will my 7 day jr pass work from Toyoko to Mt Fujii?
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    6993 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Bullet trainssbrowning

    Can I use my 7 day JR pass on all Bullet trains?
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    6827 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Can we just use the printed Tickets from online system?Talal

    Hi, Actually our flight will be after 3 days and I think there is no time to receive the tickets...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    9012 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • JR pass advisableTerry

    Hi, have to attend course in Osaka from 9th to 12th Apr13. Afterwhich would like to travel with i...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    12 réponses
    20599 vues
    plus de 8 ans
  • Buy the tickets in Narita airport ?Talal

    Hello , I have two questions : 1-Can we buy the tickets from Narita Airport ? 2-Our plan : Narit...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    2 réponses
    10042 vues
    presque 5 ans
  • Japan rail or single tickets ? (Tokyo-Kyoto-Tokyo)pau

    Hello, We will be travelling for 8 days and this will be our itinerary 1-Narita- Tokyo 2-Tokyo ( ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    6570 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Resort Onuma go and SL Hakodate-Onuma -goeng

    Are these train running in May this year?
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    4 réponses
    10266 vues
    presque 12 ans
  • 7-day pass validityfluffy

    Good day. We are planning to purchase the 7-day pass for our trip next month. We will be arriving...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    3 réponses
    7585 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Should we buy rail passes?LucyLondon

    Hello , Any help would be greatly appreciated, my husband and i are going to japan on 20th April ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    2 réponses
    7878 vues
    presque 5 ans
  • Can one person buy more than one pass?smadler

    I am a little confused by the statement that "Visitors may purchase only ONE pass per visit per ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    2 réponses
    11102 vues
    environ un mois
  • Narita to snow monkeys to osaka[email protected]

    Hi I'm confused by all the options! We have only 8 days to arrive at Narita, perhaps go via Nikko...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    3 réponses
    13187 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • most cost effective Glenellen

    What is best deal for this itinerary? 7 days pass 14 days or pay as we go? Arrive 16 April 2013 ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    4 réponses
    8302 vues
    presque 5 ans
  • Can I purchase two rail passes for a 4 week visit?NancyK

    Hello, I have two questions. Although I have not planned our itinerary yet, we will be in Japan...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    6954 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • 2 weeks in JapanRenataO

    Hello! I am going to Japan with my boyfriend in May. We will come to Narita on 12th of May. The ...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    9 réponses
    9989 vues
    presque 12 ans
  • Itinerary check and JR PassKoo

    Hi.. Will be travelling to Japan in April for 13 days and am unsure which travel pass will suit...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    2 réponses
    7372 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Should I purchase JR pass flonah

    Hi This is our first trip to Japan and are considering whether it is worth purchasing the JR pass...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    4 réponses
    8341 vues
    environ 12 ans
  • Train to Narita Airport from Shin Osaka station?liewqi

    Hello, I am traveling to Japan this April to visit a friend. She says the closest bullet train s...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    1 réponse
    16766 vues
    environ 6 ans
  • Group of 12 travelling together for 10 days Narita-Mt Fuji-Nagano...ireneongsg

    Hi! Would appreciate advice on the best way to plan with JR Passes for a group of 8 adults and 4...
    Il y a environ 12 ans
    4 réponses
    9736 vues
    presque 5 ans

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