Retour à Using the Japan Rail Pass

Tokyo, Yokosuka, Kamakura, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto - Approx 1 month, looking for the best pass

Il y a plus de 11 ans
3 réponses


I will be arriving in Tokyo (Haneda) on July 24th and staying through September 1st. I want to be sure I purchase my rail passes in the most economic way possible.

I know my itinerary through August 5th, but after that I'm pretty unsure of my plans which is why it makes this difficult. First off, here's the initial plans:

July 24th - Arrive Haneda - train to Ebisu
July 25th - Local trains around Tokyo
July 26th - Train to Yokosuka
July 27th-29th - local trains around Yokosuka
July 30th - Train to Tokyo (Shin-kiba Station) and back to Yokosuka
July 31st - Train to Tokyo (Tokyo Dome City) and back to Yokosuka
August 1st- Local Trains around Yokosuka
August 2nd - Train to Kamakura
August 3rd - Train to Mt. Fuji
August 4th - Train back to Yokosuka

After August 5th I will be staying around Yokosuka, Yokohama, and Tokyo primarily, but I'm also interested in booking a few days trip down to Osaka and Kyoto.

Since I don't yet know the dates of those trips, can you recommend a pass/passes that would suit my flexible itinerary?


18924 poster
Il y a plus de 11 ans

Hi there,

Most of your travel takes place in Tokyo and will just be on local trains or some other kind of local transportation, therefor I would not recommend buying a JR Pass for your time in Tokyo, rides within Tokyo generally are between 150 - 220 yen each. To get around conveniently consider buying a Suica card so you don't have to buy seperate tickets each time you board a train.

Then when you visit Kyoto/Osaka buy a 7 Day JR Pass as this will covered the Shinkansen. The pass is the same price as a normal return Tokyo - Kyoto but you get 7 days of free travel with it, so any additional travel you may do basically becomes free.

Also if you have the time, consider a visit to Nikko from Tokyo as well. I think it's one of the best locations day trips to make from Tokyo!

Have a great time in Japan!

3 poster
Il y a plus de 11 ans

Hey Daniel,

IS the 7 day JR pass something that I can purchase while in Japan? If so, where? I was under the impression that the all inclusive JR Passes had to be purchased outside the country?


18924 poster
Il y a plus de 11 ans

Hi Kim,

You can purchase the JR Pass only outside Japan, some local passes/Suica cards however may be purchased in Japan.

You can purchase the pass directly online here or look for a local re-seller here.

I hope this helps!

3 poster
Il y a plus de 11 ans

Hi Daniel,

I'm leaving for Japan tomorrow morning and thus cannot wait for the pass to be shipped to me. Is there anywhere within Tokyo that I would be able to prove American citizenship and purchase the pass inside the country?

18924 poster
Il y a plus de 11 ans

Hi again,

It's is only possible to buy the JR Pass outside of Japan. We could however ship it to your Adress/ Hotel in Tokyo gives that you place the order before you leave for Japan. Shipping to Japan takes 3 working days but I think this would be okay as your plan to visit Kyoto/Osaka is after the 5th of August.

If you wish to make use of this service - please email us directly at, so we can help you in a more personal manner.

Best Wishes,

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