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Suggestion needed of the JR Pass :)

Il y a environ un an
1 réponse


We (2 people) are traveling to Japan in april - may 2024 for 20 days. We have the following itinerary:

Day 1 - 6: Tokyo
Day 7: Traveling from Tokyo to Takoyama (thinking about traveling through Nagoya)
Day 8: Traveling from Takoyama to Shirakawago
Day 9: Traveling from Shirakawago to Kanazawa
Day 10: Kanazawa
Day 11: Traveling from Kanazawa to Naoshima
Day 12-13: Naoshima
Day 14: Traveling from Naoshima to Kyoto
Day 15-17: Kyoto
Day 18: Traveling from Kyoto to Osaka
Day 19-20: Osaka

We like the idea of the JR-pass, it seems very easy to use! But we're not sure if it's fits are itinerary. We look forward to advice and suggestions from JR-pass users!

Thank you!

1239 poster
Il y a environ un an

Hi there,

It's unlikely you'll save much if you purchase a 21-day JR Pass, but if you're planning on purchasing one because of its ease of use it's still an option worth looking in to. The majority of your itinerary is directly accessible using the JR Pass, except for Naoshima where you'll have to pay a small fare for the ferry ride.

Hope this helps!


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À partir de 356,00 $ pour un pass illimité de 7 jours sur le réseau ferroviaire japonais de Japan Rail
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