Il y a environ 12 ans
2 réponses

I am travelling with my wife to Japan next Wednesday (6 Feb) . This may be too late to get my travel pass posted to me. Is there no alternative, such as an electronic version that I can print?

Neville Davies

1950 poster
Il y a environ 12 ans

Hi Neville,

I'm afraid the Japan Rail Pass is only available as a paper document. Our FedEx delivery is very swift, so if you can let me know your delivery country I can give you an ETA on arrival if that would help?

2 poster
Il y a environ 12 ans

Thank you for such a prompt reply. The country of delivery is the UK and would have to be delivered to an address in England by 12am on Weds 6 Feb at the latest.

I am happy to pay for guaranteed delivery. I can order and pay today (Sunday 3 Feb).

My wife and I would need to travel on day trips from Tokyo for just 3 consecutive days (9, 10, 11 Feb).

So I presume that the cost of the 7-day JR rail pass is still better than buying individual tickets for those three days?

The travel would be by Shikansen.



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