Il y a presque 12 ans
2 réponses


I am going to Japan on the 7th of June for about 2 month. I will land in Tokyo, then get an immediate flight to Fukuoka, where be studying for 6 weeks. At the end of my course I wan planning to make my way back to Tokyo by land in the remaining 17 days. I am not sure of my exact itinerary yet, therefore I wanted to get a 3 weeks JR Pass to cover all of my potential travel and for a piece of mind.

I just want to make sure that my ticket will still be valid at the end on July if i buy it in the next couple of days, and I also want to make sure that there is a place I can activate it at in Fukuoka.

Many thanks in advance,

18924 poster
Il y a presque 12 ans

Hi Luba,

Short Answer: You are completely fine.

Here's why, the JR Pass can be exchanged up to 90 days after purchase, for instance if you would buy it today May 24th, then the last day of exchange would be August 22nd. This is more than enough for your plans already but to let you know all the details, you can select a 1st day of use up to 30 days in the future when you exchange it. Meaning that technically you could add an other 30 days before starting to use your JR Pass if you exchange it on the last possibly day (August 22nd in the above example).

Fukuoka's main station is called Hakata, also use this if you plan your trip with Hyperdia or it may give you some very interesting results. There is an exchange desk at Hakata station that is open every day 5:30-23:00. The station was recently renovated and looks very nice now! There is even a special English speaking desk for foreign JR users to book your tickets - this is a great way to skip the normal queues too!

I hope this helps,

2 poster
Il y a presque 12 ans


thank you very much for your knowledgeable advice.

Kind regards

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